MAPOR Council Public Meeting Minutes – July 2018


July 9, 2018

1:00 pm – 2:30pm ET/Noon – 1:30 CT

Attendees: Rob, Ned, Dana, Kevin, Sara, Ipek, Colleen,

* Conference Update (Ned/Dana) – We have had more submissions that previous years – 124 papers, 5 panels, 32 entries to the student paper competition. Ned will try to have papers out to reviewers by the end of the week.

No decision yet as to the cost or menus. Also no decision on table topics or affinity groups.
Conference meeting details are not yet set. We are leaning towards a half day event of only the conference committee and any Chicago-based members who wish to join. Tentatively set for end of August or September.

* Communications Update (Mandy/Vanessa) – Mandy sent an update that was distributed by Ron to council members.
The logo vote is still very close. The reminder will go out tomorrow morning at 8am. We expect a decent response after the reminder is sent. Kevin will follow up with the issues experienced by some members.

* Sponsorship Update (Allison) – Allison is out although Ron mentions that soon we will begin to solicit previous sponsors for the upcoming year.

* Treasurer’s Report (Jolene/Kevin) – No update at this time. The only change in accounts should be from the renewal of our Cvent license ~ $1,025.

* Website (Josh) – Colors will be dependent on the logo vote. See bylaws update for discussion on the discussion forums.

* MAPOR History Group (Ron) – Paul Lavrakas is working on the history but it will not be done in time for this year’s conference.

* Webinar Update (Patrick) – From Patrick’s email: “Michael agrees to give the webinar and can do it in early October as we have planned. If we have another newsletter going out in August, I will reach out to him for promotional info. If not, then I’ll contact him in August to finalize the schedule. I have the video recordings of the last two webinars that I organized. They are uploaded to the MAPOR drive already. I cannot recall on top of my head whether we have recordings before those. I have no objection to putting them up for sale, whatever EC decides is fine with me.”

* Bylaws Update (Ron) – We will send out call on Cvent and send link to bylaws page. The bylaws will be up with tracked changes and another document will be posted with the justification. There will be a discussion on the website where people can put up comments. Under the current bylaws we need to set up the notification 20-40 days prior to the actual vote. Ron is working on the language for the email and will work with Josh to set up the links. Ron will work with Kevin to get the notification out.

* Election (Ron) – Under the current bylaws we need to get a slate of candidates out to members by November 13th to 18th. The vote would be October 26th to November 6th. Ron will draft a call to members for suggestions for candidates and will work for Kevin to get this out.

* Face to Face Meeting/Mixer (All) – No date yet set for a mixer. We may be able to set one up in Ann Arbor, Michigan in September. Colleen is reviewing the calendar to see what other events might correspond in September which we could align with a mixer.

Next Meeting: Monday August 13, 1:00 ET/Noon CT