January 24th, 2020
12:00 – 1:30 CST/1:00 pm – 2:30pm EST
Dial-in: 1-866-244-0944; passcode: 5175115#

MAPOR MOMENT of the MONTH: Our MAPOR Moment of the Month is for our new webmaster Ashley for learning WordPress and making the necessary 2020 updates. Thank you Ashley!
Attendees: Ned, Ipek, Kevin, Evgenia, Lindsey, Mary, Stephanie, Patrick, David, Ashley
I. Approve minutes (Ned)

(Request for Ned to attached previous meeting minutes when he sends monthly agenda)
Decision to defer minute approval to next month, when we will approve both December and January minutes

II. Membership Survey (Kevin)
a. Updates based on feedback
b. New instrument
c. Launch date

Decision to keep Q13 on overall satisfaction with conference. Add question on speed networking and formal interview options. Will remove reference to discussants. Make some other minor adjustments, based on feedback.

Plan is to make final changes next week, program, then send via Qualtrics. Kevin will send a test link, and requests that Council members run through and send feedback on bugs. Kevin will send Ned draft of invitation email to approve. Plan is to launch by 2nd week of February, which is just before our next monthly Exec Council meeting. Prenotification communication will be sent 2-3 days before survey. Kevin will send through CVent.

Concerning sample – should we send just to members or to everyone (“friends of MAPOR”)? Decision: send just to current and last-year MAPOR members.

Student survey (on topic of cost burden): have only 8 responses; different universities have different policies on how they do or don’t cover costs of attending conference. Intention of survey was to collect information to help us make decisions on distributing student travel grants. Responses will be summarized and shared with Council (Evgenia).

III. Treasurer’s Report (Kevin)
a. Updates
b. Membership list updates

Current bank account balances:
Checking: $27,578
Savings: $45,023

Accounts are pretty stable right now, no big change from last month/end of year figures. Two sponsors who have not yet paid; trying to track them down – but our surplus is still higher than we projected last year.

Kevin will update membership list and make sure it’s complete before sending the survey.

IV. 2020 Conference (Sara/David)
a. Conference theme
b. Speaker Updates
c. Call for Conference Participation and Student Paper Competition Announcements
d. Student Paper Competition Award Updates
e. Chromebook acquisition: when, what, how many?

Sara and David have not had a chance to connect (congrats again to Sara!); they will have a more substantial update for next month’s meeting.

Brief discussion on purchase of new Chromebooks for use during conference presentations. Patrick offered to help determine needs (5 machines; what specs?) and keep eye out for good deals.

V. Potential 2020 Mixers (Evgenia/Lindsay)
a. Potential cities and times of year
i. Should we consider a Chicago one (since a lot of us are here :))
b. Who is attending from MAPOR Council?

Lindsey asked for input from both Madison and Ann Arbor colleagues. Madison suggested to wait until summer, rather than this semester. Ann Arbor suggested to avoid various spring breaks, AASRO, etc. Neither location was able to identify concurrent conferences or other events on which to piggy-back. Still need more discussion on Ann Arbor timing – is April too close to Chicago event (see below)? Is there a benefit to holding during SRC’s Summer Institute session? Is waiting until September too late (consideration of deadline for 2020 conference abstract submission)?

In Chicago, AAPOR Council meeting is March 9-11… idea to have MAPOR mixer event on March 10. Ipek/Mary will check with Nora Cate, and Ned will check with Kevin regarding last location/arrangements.

Should we identify local universities/organizations that don’t currently participate in MAPOR and target them with mixer invitations? Suggestion to cover 1 drink and appetizers at each event.

VI. Past President (Ipek)

Initiative left over from last year is student awards – we have $$, so need to decide how much to spend. Ned and Ipek will create committee (Ned, Ipek, Kevin, Evgenia) to explore number of awards, dissemination, etc.

VII. Sponsorship (Allison/Mary)

What are possible targets for additional sponsors? Who has been in the mix for years? Who has never been in the mix? Ron L. or John S. may have started a spreadsheet to track this – Mary will pursue. What is our pitch to potential sponsors – what’s in it for them? More info will be shared at February meeting.

VIII. Communications (Justine)
a. Newsletters for 2020: February (Winter), May (Spring), October) Fall
b. Plan to solicit content for Winter newsletter in early Feb
c. What other communications in winter/spring?

Last year we had 3 newsletters. Justine will reach out to others to finalize content of February newsletter – can be heavily based on last winter’s.

Also thinking about social media releases – ex. March 10 mixer in Chicago.

IX. Website (Ashley/Patrick)
a. Updates
b. Conference presentations updated?
c. Ned will review for content and other changes we could make over year

Ashley completed initial updates. Ned will review and make further suggestions.

X. Webinars (Patrick)
a. Late Spring: Rebecca Powell?
b. Fall: AAPOR short course or other presenters?

(Patrick had to leave the meeting early. Ned will follow up for an update)

XI. AAPOR All Chapter Unofficial Event Updates (Ned)

Ned is on the committee to plan the AAPOR All Chapter event in Atlanta – rooftop party!

XII. Other business?

Committee Composition:

I. Conference (Sara, Dana, David)
II. Sponsorship (Allison, Mary)
III. Webinar (Patrick)
IV. Website (Ashley, Patrick)