February 17th, 2020
12:30 – 2:00 CST/1:30 pm – 3:00pm EST
Dial-in: 1-866-244-0944; passcode: 5175115#
MAPOR MOMENT of the MONTH: Our MAPOR Moment of the Month is for our Secretary-Treasurer for getting the membership survey ready to launch. Thank you Kevin!
Attendees: Ned, Lindsay, Sara, Patrick, Ipek, Leah, Dana, Kevin, Justine, David, Evgenia, Ed
I. Approve minutes (Ned)
Meeting minutes from both December and January are approved.
II. Membership Survey (Kevin)
Kevin implemented all feedback and has finalized the survey. 313 current members + last year’s members will receive the survey. Protocol will include email invitation with link to survey, plus up to 3 non-response reminders. Kevin will update email communications to reflect Ned’s name, then send out later this week.
Last year, Council was excluded from the survey. Decision to follow same protocol this year.
III. Treasurer’s Report (Kevin)
a. Updates
Checking: $28,224
Savings: $45,023
b. Membership list updates
313 current members, but have not received January list from AAPOR (so may be small number of additional members). Decision to not wait to launch MAPOR survey.
c. Tax filing
Kevin filed federal form this morning. Purpose is to maintain not-for-profit status.
IV. Chicago Mixer: New date (March 10) (Ned/Kevin/Stephanie)
a. Monk’s Pub
b. Plan for roll-out and announcing
This coincides with AAPOR Council meeting. MAPOR will offer 1 drink ticket to everyone who signs in. Kevin will coordinate with Monk’s one week before event to give them a heads up and figure out how exactly to implement drink tickets.
Justine and Ned will plan communications – social media now, then reminder closer to date.
Note that mixer falls on an “election” day (several state primaries), so may be a conflict for some members.
V. Communications (Justine)
a. Launch February newsletter
Draft of the winter newsletter will sent around for feedback later this week.
b. Newsletters for 2020: February (Winter), May (Spring), October) Fall
c. What other communications in winter/spring?
Justine will send around calendar for social media communications, and also running list of newsletter topics, for comment/input.
VI. 2020 Conference (Sara/David)
a. Conference theme
b. Speaker Updates
c. Call for Conference Participation and Student Paper Competition Announcements
d. Student Paper Competition Award Updates
e. Chromebook acquisition: when, what, how many?
Conference theme: Why Representation Matters?
Working on getting speakers lined up. Election, diversity topics. It’s been difficult getting attention of potential speakers – maybe due to election activities. Trying to get speakers lined up by end of February (Sara will share list of potential speakers already contacted)
Calls for participation and student competition application is drafted in March, sent out in early May. Documentation from last few years is available on MAPOR drive, and can be used as templates.
Need to sign hotel contract – Sara will follow up with Ned. Or maybe not… last contract signed may still be in effect. Sara will confirm if what she received was the event order – needs to be compared to 2019 event order and to contract for 2020.
Chromebook purchase – push to spring or early summer. Also need to assess need for laptops once we tour new conference space in hotel.
VII. Webinars (Patrick)
a. Spring: Rebecca Powell confirmed
b. Fall: AAPOR short course or other presenters?
Rebecca is confirmed for April 8. Topic is Data Management the Tidy Way (using R, integrating with Tableau, etc.). Info will be in Feb newsletter, and announcements through other media will be made in early March.
Fall webinar/short course plan is not set yet. Patrick will scout potential speakers during AAPOR.
VIII. Summer/Fall 2020 Mixer (Evgenia/Lindsay)
a. Potential cities
b. Who is attending from MAPOR Council?
Ann Arbor and/or Madison in September – keep on radar
IX. Past President (Ipek)
a. Student award subcommittee
Dana, Kevin, Evgenia, Ned and Ipek met to brainstorm on student awards. Spend ~$6000-$8000 per year on student travel award or some type of merit award. When should new award be announced? Needs to be discussed. Want students to be aware of opportunity, but don’t want to compete with paper awards.
X. Sponsorship (Allison/Mary)
No report this month. Ned will follow up.
XI. Website (Ashley/Patrick)
a. Updates to calendar for events
Will update with Chicago mixer, webinar, etc.
XII. AAPOR All Chapter Event (now “official”) Updates (Ned)
a. Ponce City Market on the Friday night
b. Sponsoring photo booth ($1500) and raffling one membership and conference registration
XIII. Other business?
None raised.
Committee Composition:
I. Conference (Sara, Dana, David)
II. Sponsorship (Allison, Mary)
III. Webinar (Patrick)
IV. Website (Ashley, Patrick)
V. Student Award (Ipek, Ned, Kevin, Dana, Evgenia)