MAPOR Council Public Meeting Minutes– October 2021


October 18, 2021

12:30– 2:00 pm CDT

Zoom invite

MAPOR MOMENT of the MONTH:  Ned for creating and executing the MAPOR Fellows Hall of Fame voting procedure!

Attendees: Kevin, Lindsey, Bob, Dana, Leah, Hilary, Ned, John, Patrick, David, Justine, and Evgenia


  1. Approval of last meeting’s minutes

Minutes approved

  1. Treasurer’s Report                 (Lindsey, Kevin)
    1. checking/savings

Checking: $40,798.78

Savings: $46,970.82

  1. 2021 Conference             (David, Leah)
    1. To do list
    2. Speed Networking (Ned, Justine)
    3. Council lunch: (Dana)

50 registrants so far with a mix of in-person and virtual. The luncheon has 16 people so far and the short course has 11 people. 14 rooms sold for Thursday and Friday and 10 for Saturday.

The program is soon to the printer. David and Leah will work on communicating with speakers. We need a Zoom Events account and five licenses at $99/each. David will purchase them in a week.  We will need a plan to pull down the recordings, because the storage rates with Zoom are expensive. Looking at storing them through Google Drive or Box. Dana purchased laptops for the conference. David will look at wireless headsets to purchase for the conference. We discussed having speakers wipe down the headsets when they are done. We will have Clorox wipes for people to use. Food options are in flux until the registration numbers are finalized. In the meantime, we are planning on the standard continental breakfast on Friday and Saturday, the grand buffet for the Friday luncheon, brownies, cookies, and coffee for the break Friday and Saturday, and appetizers and the beer, wine, and soft drink package for the Happy Hour. The hotel is not requiring that we fill a certain number of rooms. David will also work on updating signs.

Speed networking is scheduled for 10:15am to 11:45am on Saturday. Evgenia will send an email to students and early career folks about the Thursday night dinner, and can mention the speed networking session. There are currently seven participants and five participants to represent organizations. Justine will reach out to organizations as well.  Ned and Justine will brainstorm the technical needs for speed networking.

  1. Sponsorship           (John, Bob, Dana)
    1. Updates

John told folks about the Crunch Analytics sponsorship offer. We will see if they email back. All sponsors have paid. Three sponsors might want tables. 

  1. Communications                     (Justine)
    1. Updates

The newsletter will go out tomorrow. Any last minute changes need to be to her by end of the day.

  1. Website                             (Patrick, Dana, Hillary)
    1. Updates

No updates.

  1. Webinar           (Patrick)
    1. Update

The next webinar is Wednesday, October 27th. Free for students.

  1. MAPOR Fellow nomination (Ned, Dana)
    1. Update

Dana will have conversations with mentors and mentees after the conference.

  1. Student Fellowship Program     (Ned, Dana, Evgenia)
    1. newsletter item for fall,
    2. conversations with mentors/mentees after conference

Have received two applicants so far. Dana, Kevin, and Ned will review the applicants after the 24th.

  1. Colleague/student support grant (Ned, Dana)
    1. Updates

No applicants so far. Dana, Kevin, and Ned will review the applicants after the 24th.

  1. AAPOR 2022 in Chicago (May 10-13) (Kevin)
    1. Off site party
      1. What would we like to do?
      2. How much to contribute?
      3. Location ideas?
    2. Student paper competition
      1. Winner of competition from MAPOR conference will attend next AAPOR conference

Nothing to do now.

  1. Other business?                                                                                                         

Committee Composition

  1. Conference (Sara, Ned, Dana, David, Leah)
  2. Sponsorship (John and Bob)
  3. Webinar (Patrick, Lindsey)
  4. Website (Patrick, Hillary, Dana)
  5. Communications (Justine)
  6. Sec-treas support (Lindsey, Kevin, Hillary)
  7. Student Fellowship Program (Ned, Dana, Evgenia)
  8. Student/Early career programs  (Ned, Dana, Evgenia, Leah)
  9. Colleague grants/tiered registration (Ned, Dana)
  10. Outreach committee (Evgenia, Lindsey, Bob, David)
  11. MAPOR Fellow nomination criteria (Ned, Dana)
  12. Speed Networking (Ned, Justine)
  13. MAPOR conference attendee Code of Conduct (TBD)

Council members

President – Dana Garbarski

Vice President – Kevin Ulrich

Past President – Ned English

Conference Chair – David Sterrett

Associate Conference Chair – Leah Dean

Secretary-Treasurer – Lindsey Witt-Swanson 

Associate Secretary-Treasurer – Vacant

Members at Large – Bob Davis, Hillary Hanson, Ed Ledek, Sara Walsh 

Sponsorship Coordinator – John Stevenson 

Webinar and Website Coordinator – Patrick Hsieh

Communications Chair – Justine Bulgar-Medina

Student Liaison- Evgenia Kapousouz


MAPOR Council Public Meeting Minutes– September 2021


September 24, 2021

10:00 am-12:00 pm, 1:00– 3:00 pm CDT

Zoom invite

MAPOR MOMENT of the MONTH:  All of us for what we are about to pull off over the next two months!


Morning session 10am-12pm

Attendees: Dana, Lindsey, Kevin, Leah, David, Ned, Hillary, John, Sara, Patrick, and Evgenia

  1. Approval of last meeting’s minutes


  1. Treasurer’s Report                 (Lindsey, Kevin)
    1. checking/savings

Checking: $37,552.18

Savings: $46,970.44

  1. Sponsorship           (John, Bob, Dana)
    1. Updates

There are spreadsheets in the Google Drive sponsorship folder with information multiple people need. Everyone has paid. John went through the spreadsheets and folders to show others in the EC where relevant information is for them. 

Discussed encouraging sponsors to share information about internships. The sponsors will be updated on the website on 10/1.

  1. 2021 Conference             (David)

We will offer a hybrid format for all aspects of the conference except possibly giving feedback or asking questions during the sessions. The member survey showed a 50/50 split between attending in person and attending virtually. Hoping for 160 registrants. Planning for five session blocks, which is the usual amount, with four sessions per block. Each room will have a Zoom link and function as a webinar using the computer’s camera and microphone. 

Virtual presenters will present live through screen share. MAPOR will provide practice sessions so virtual presenters can try things out and ease concerns. Virtual presentations can go first in the session so if there are any issues, the virtual presenters have time in the session to fix their issue and still present before the session is over.

All sessions will be recorded to watch later for all conference goers, virtual and in-person. As a result, we will need to communicate with presenters that they cannot opt out of sharing their presentation. The presentations will be saved onto the Zoom cloud and then moved to the MAPOR share drive. Patrick feels the Zoom files will be small enough to save on the MAPOR share drive without incurring costs. 

Each session will have a “normal” moderator and also a tech moderator. No discussants this year. MAPOR will require that pre-recorded presentations need to be recorded using Power Point or Zoom. 

The food type options will stay the same, but more items may be individually wrapped. Hotel staff may have servers at the Friday buffet. MAPOR will subsidize the Friday lunch, but there will be a fee ($30) for the lunch for non-student attendees. There will be an open bar and appetizers during the happy hour.

All in-person participants will have to upload their vaccination cards and sign a waiver. Masks will be required. The rooms will have half the number of chairs as normal, the chairs will be spaced out, and we will not allow standing room. 

Presenters need to have a final decision on whether they are presenting in-person or virtually by 10/19. Attendees will decide when they register if they will attend in-person or virtually, but we will allow folks to change to the other format after registration if requested. All cost reimbursements will be handled at the conference. If they got the early bird rate when they first registered, they will get the early bird rate for the format they ended up using.

David will work with DTP (?, the printer) to format and print the program. Kevin will do inventory on the storage unit to determine what else is needed.

David will group presentations together for sessions based on content rather than format. David will see if the three posters want to switch to methodological briefs. 

Lunch 12-1pm

Afternoon session 1-3pm

  1. Finish 2021 conference items                                                                                       (David)

Speed networking will likely be hybrid and its own session. We will hold the resume workshop outside of the conference. 

Technology moderators will be in the room to troubleshoot tech issues, so the traditional moderator can focus on their usual responsibilities. Both moderators will be in-person. Virtual council members can also pop in and out of multiple sessions to make sure everything is working from the virtual-side. 

Dana will take the lead on selecting and purchasing computers for the conference. Also, we need to purchase Zoom licenses and Microsoft Office licenses. David will see if we can purchase our own lapel microphones or if we have to rent the hotel’s.

  1. Webinars           (Patrick)
    1. Ideas for webinar in  October
    2. update on new tech/methods for fall

Justine will do a webinar in October on SOGI questions. Patrick is hoping to get someone else to take over this role.

  1. MAPOR Fellow nomination criteria (Ned, Dana)
    1. Update (Ned)

We reviewed the process Ned proposed. Council members should send Ned nominations by 10/1. Then, Council will vote on their first, second, and third choices the following week. 

  1. AAPOR regional Chapter Representative Meeting – 9/9/21 (Kevin)
    1. Accounting for dues from national
      1. We need to send ACH form to AAPOR MCR
      2. We need to provide feedback on dues procedure
      3. Designate communications person for chapter rep listserv

Kevin and Dana will be the representatives.

  1. Conduct policy
    1. Do we post conduct policy on our website?
    2. When do members accept conduct policy?

We need to add the AAPOR conduct policy to our website. Lindsey will add agreeing to the AAPOR code of conduct when paying for a MAPOR membership through the MAPOR website or through conference registration.

  1. AAPOR 2022 in Chicago (May 10-13) (Kevin)
    1. MAPOR will not have an on-site EC meeting at AAPOR
    2. AAPOR will re-imburse $250 for raffle
    3. MCR will be in touch about set-up and shipment of materials to Chicago
    4. Off site party
      1. What would we like to do?
      2. How much to contribute?
      3. Location ideas?

MAPOR will contribute the same amount as in past years. No one else had thoughts about this.

  1. Student paper competition
    1. Winner of competition from MAPOR conference will attend next AAPOR conference
  2. Other business?                                                                                                         

Committee Composition

  1. Conference (Sara, Ned, Dana, David, Leah)
  2. Sponsorship (John and Bob)
  3. Webinar (Patrick, Lindsey)
  4. Website (Patrick, Hillary, Dana)
  5. Communications (Justine)
  6. Sec-treas support (Lindsey, Kevin, Hillary)
  7. Student Fellowship Program (Ned, Dana, Evgenia)
  8. Student/Early career programs  (Ned, Dana, Evgenia, Leah)
  9. Colleague grants/tiered registration (Ned, Dana)
  10. Outreach committee (Evgenia, Lindsey, Bob, David)
  11. MAPOR Fellow nomination criteria (Ned, Dana)
  12. Speed Networking (Ned, Justine)
  13. MAPOR conference attendee Code of Conduct (TBD)

Council members

President – Dana Garbarski

Vice President – Kevin Ulrich

Past President – Ned English

Conference Chair – David Sterrett

Associate Conference Chair – Leah Dean

Secretary-Treasurer – Lindsey Witt-Swanson 

Associate Secretary-Treasurer – Vacant

Members at Large – Bob Davis, Hillary Hanson, Ed Ledek, Sara Walsh 

Sponsorship Coordinator – John Stevenson 

Webinar and Website Coordinator – Patrick Hsieh

Communications Chair – Justine Bulgar-Medina

Student Liaison- Evgenia Kapousouz


Candidates for Office 2021

We are pleased to present the candidates for 2021-2022 MAPOR Executive Council, shown in alphabetical order by position as follows (click each name for the candidate’s biography): 

Vice President/President Elect       

Justine Bulgar-Medina

David Sterrett

Associate Conference Chair  

Y. Patrick Hsieh

Benjamin Schapiro

Associate Secretary-Treasurer

Lindsey Witt-Swanson

As per Article IV: Section 2 of our bylaws “any group of at least twenty-five (25) members entitled to vote at any annual or special meeting of the members may nominate another candidate or candidates for office by so notifying in writing the President within twenty (20) days after the delivery, mailing or e-mailing of such names.” Please note that any candidate must be current AAPOR and MAPOR members and you should check that they are willing to serve. The deadline for adding candidates to the ballot is October 12, 2021.

The election will take place from October 29 – November 9, 2021. 

David Sterrett – Candidate for Vice President/President-Elect

David Sterrett is a Senior Research Scientist in the Public Affairs and Media Research Department at NORC at the University of Chicago. His research focuses on political attitudes, survey methodology, and the public’s news habits. Prior to joining NORC in 2014, he received his PhD in political science from the University of Illinois at Chicago. 

David has enjoyed attending every MAPOR conference since 2011, and he served as the student liaison for the executive council when in graduate school. He is currently the MAPOR Conference Chair. David also enjoys attending AAPOR conferences and is currently serving on the AAPOR Membership and Chapter Relations Committee.

Lindsey Witt-Swanson – Candidate for Associate Secretary-Treasurer

Lindsey Witt-Swanson has been with the Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR) at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln for ten years. As the Associate Directors, Lindsey assists clients and researchers with their research and evaluation projects, ensures that BOSR is utilizing the most up-to-date methods and knowledgeable of changes in the field, oversees BOSR’s staff of 125 employees, and is responsible for BOSR’s financial health and growth. Lindsey currently serves as the Communication Coordinator for the Association of Academic Survey Research Organizations (AASRO) and co-treasurer for the International Field Directors and Technologies Conference (IFD&TC). Lindsey has been a member of AAPOR and MAPOR since joining BOSR. Lindsey received her BA in Political Science at Creighton University and her MS in Survey Research and Methodology at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.

Lindsey has been an at-large council member for MAPOR since 2019, and has been serving as the Secretary-Treasurer for MAPOR since the position was vacated in April 2021.

Justine Bulgar-Medina – Candidate for Vice President/President-Elect

Justine Bulgar-Medina is a research methodologist at NORC and teaches graduate courses in research methods and public policy at Northwestern.  Her research and work focus on innovative measurement approaches to social identities, specifically sexual orientation/gender identity and race/ethnicity, with a focus on cultural competence and reducing measurement error. 

Justine has been an active AAPOR and MAPOR member for several years, taking on leadership roles with AAPOR starting in 2015 by serving as the chair of the AAPOR Welcoming Committee (2015-2021) and Chair and Associate Chair of the Conference Support Committee (2017-present).  Additionally, she serves on AAPOR’s Inclusion & Equity Committee.  Since 2018, Justine as served on the MAPOR council as the Commnications Coordinator.  Justine has greatly enjoyed all volunteer and leadership opportunities at AAPOR and MAPOR.  She is hopeful to continue to serve the MAPOR community as with focused programming and opportunities for established and new(er) MAPORites to become involved in our professional community as Vice President/President-Elect.   

Benjamin Schapiro – Candidate for Associate Conference Chair

 Benjamin Schapiro is a Research Analyst at NORC at the University of Chicago. A graduate of the University of Chicago, he came to survey research via the University of Chicago Survey Lab, where he worked as a phone interviewer and research assistant. Since 2014, he has worked at NORC, primarily as part of the General Social Survey, where his work focuses on the lived experience of the interview, as well as the intricacies of large-scale complex survey research. While at NORC, he has done work for the Templeton Religious Trust and the Quatari Science Ministry, as well as the International Social Survey Programme. Benjamin currently serves as a co-chair for the AAPOR Welcoming Committee, aiming at facilitating the best possible conference experiences for new members. He has attended MAPOR since 2013, and been a proud member his whole professional career.

Y. Patrick Hsieh – Candidate for Associate Conference Chair

Y. Patrick Hsieh is a research survey methodologist and digital sociologist in the Survey Research Division at the RTI International. His expertise includes developing mixed-method research, designing social media campaign for sample recruitment, and integrating digital technologies and technology-enabled research practices, such as crowdsourcing and citizen science, into survey methodology to improve research design and data quality. Patrick has served on the MAPOR Council as the webinar series coordinator since 2016 and is a member of MAPOR Conference Committee since 2018. He also assisted the AAPOR Education Committee’s Diversity Subcommittee to organize and host the very first SurveyFest in Chicago in 2018. Patrick earned his Ph.D. in media, technology, and society at Northwestern University’s School of Communication in 2014, prior to joining RTI International. Patrick’s dissertation has won the best student paper award of MAPOR in 2013 and he has been attending MAPOR since then.

MAPOR Council Public Meeting Minutes– July 2021


July 19, 2021

12:30 – 2:00 CST/1:30 pm – 3:00pm EST

Zoom invite

MAPOR MOMENT of the MONTH:  Our MAPOR Moment of the Month goes to John Stevenson. Crushing it with those sponsors!

Attendees: Patrick, Dana, John, Lindsey, Ned, Hillary, David, Kevin, Justine, Evgenia, Bob, Sara and Leah


  1. Approval of last meeting’s minutes

Minutes approved.

  1. 2021 Conference             (David, Leah)
    1. Updates

We have about 50 abstract submissions. An email was sent to Friends of MAPOR two weeks ago and AAPORnet last week. David is planning to send one more email to each group again. Dana gave guidance on abstract review and grouping into sessions. David and Kevin will walk through the space later this week. David will also send a short survey in August to better understand the virtual/in person mix and hotel block needs. David will ask the hotel what food opportunities are available with COVID in mind. Other COVID related matters were also discussed, but more will be decided closer to the conference. 

  1. Member Survey (Lindsey, Kevin, Hillary, Evgenia)
    1. Are we done with this item?


  1. Treasurer’s Report                 (Lindsey, Kevin)
    1. Updates

Lindsey will update the membership information with new AAPOR members and one new MAPOR member. She will also reconcile the AAPOR payments with the number of members received through AAPOR. Lindsey will create a new event in CVent for the conference.

Checking: $31,267.71

Savings: $46,969.65

  1. Communications                     (Justine)
    1. Updates

Justine has posted four to five times on social media about the conference. The summer newsletter is out. The group discussed doing a mini-newsletter with conference information and light-hearted stories that would go out a couple weeks before the hotel block opens up. 

  1. Website                             (Patrick, Dana, Hillary)
    1. Updates

Nothing new to report.

  1. Webinars           (Patrick, Lindsey)
    1. Ideas for webinar in  October
    2. update on new tech/methods for fall?

Patrick will have ideas next month.

  1. Sponsorship           (John, Bob, Dana)
    1. Updates

John gave the update of 14 yes’s, 1 likely, and a few no’s. John has received $11,950 so far in sponsorship commitments and payments. All but one sponsor from last year are sponsoring again this year. The one hold out may still do so. John just has not heard back from them.  

  1. Student Fellowship Program     (Ned, Dana, Evgenia)
    1. newsletter item for fall
    2. conversations with mentors/mentees 

The committee will follow up with the mentors and mentees in December. Dana asked Evgenia to write a newsletter story about this program. Dana wants to showcase the program during the awards ceremony. Evgenia will ask the students currently participating if they will participate in a couple of student-focused events during the conference, so they can discuss the program with other students in an informal setting. 

  1. Colleague/student support grant (Ned, Dana)
    1. Updates

No applications have been received yet, but expecting them to come in in September. 

  1. Student/Early career programs                             (Ned, Dana, Evgenia, Leah)
    1. thoughts on travel grants?
    2. [ideas of spending funds not earmarked as operational reserves to expand reach to students and early career folks (reduce costs for short course, webinar, registration; conference travel awards)] 

Agreed to focus on the colleague/student support grant this year, and work on a travel grant next year. 

  1. Outreach committee             (Evgenia, Bob, David)
    1. Updates on outreach (Evgenia)
    2. Updates on mixer in WI 
    3. [Ideas for this committee to discuss:
      1. Mixers
      2. First time attendee retention
      3. reach out to professors: this is what we can offer to your students
      4. Focus on outreach to departments, schools and organizations we don’t see at MAPOR]

Wisconsin asked to wait on the mixer until the spring semester. Evgenia sent emails to academia. The group discussed trying to do a mixer in Nebraska with UNL and Gallup. Lindsey will plant some seeds. There is interest in doing a mixer in Chicago during the AAPOR meeting. 

  1. MAPOR Fellow nomination criteria (Ned, Dana)
    1. What has been process in past, and what do we want for future? Let’s generate ideas and Ned, Dana, and Kevin will discuss offline.

Ned explained the nomination process used while he was president, and proposed a new approach mimicking sports hall of fame processes with a long and then short ballot. Ned will reach out to fellows to help with this. The group proposed ideas including a rubric looking at number of years as a member, served as an officer, supports/ed students, and other contributions to MAPOR. Sara raised the need to include people of color and women in the pipeline to fellowship.

  1. Other committees that will have work at a later date/next council:
    1. Speed Networking (Ned, Justine)
    2. MAPOR conference attendee Code of Conduct (TBD)
    3. Bylaws update (TBD)
  1. Other business?                                                                                                        

Committee Composition

  1. Conference (Sara, Ned, Dana, David, Leah)
  2. Sponsorship (John and Bob)
  3. Webinar (Patrick, Lindsey)
  4. Website (Patrick, Hillary, Dana)
  5. Communications (Justine)
  6. Sec-treas support (Lindsey, Kevin, Hillary)
  7. Student Fellowship Program (Ned, Dana, Evgenia)
  8. Student/Early career programs  (Ned, Dana, Evgenia, Leah)
  9. Colleague grants/tiered registration (Ned, Dana)
  10. Outreach committee (Evgenia, Lindsey, Bob, David)
  11. MAPOR Fellow nomination criteria (Ned, Dana)
  12. Speed Networking (Ned, Justine)
  13. MAPOR conference attendee Code of Conduct (TBD)

Council members

President – Dana Garbarski

Vice President – Kevin Ulrich

Past President – Ned English

Conference Chair – David Sterrett

Associate Conference Chair – Leah Dean

Secretary-Treasurer – Lindsey Witt-Swanson 

Associate Secretary-Treasurer – Vacant

Members at Large – Bob Davis, Hillary Hanson, Ed Ledek, Sara Walsh 

Sponsorship Coordinator – John Stevenson 

Webinar and Website Coordinator – Patrick Hsieh

Communications Chair – Justine Bulgar-Medina

Student Liaison- Evgenia Kapousouz