May 16, 2022
12:30 – 2:00 CST / 1:30 pm – 3:00pm EST
Zoom invite
MAPOR SPOTLIGHT of the MONTH: Thanks to everyone who represented MAPOR at the AAPOR conference this week! We had a great turnout at the All Chapter Welcome and had a very successful raffle which resulted in signing up about 40 persons for the “Friends of MAPOR” list.
MAPOR Mission Statement
We provide high-quality educational and conference programs to encourage scholarly exchanges across disciplines and geographies, broaden member access to mentors and resources, and bolster opportunities for leadership and innovations. We join forces with AAPOR, academic institutions, and government and industry employers to develop a thriving community that supports all MAPOR members, including students, scholars, and professionals in every stage of their career.
MAPOR Vision Statement
MAPOR is a leading voice in public opinion, survey, and social science scholarship, methods, and practice among regional professional associations. We are an inclusive and supportive community that enables our diverse members to achieve their educational, professional development, and networking goals.
Attendees: Ben, Lindsey, Evgenia, Leah, Hillary, Rebecca, Patrick, Bob, Erin, Justine, David, and Jerry
Kevin will send a Doodle to reschedule the next meeting, since it is currently scheduled on Juneteenth.
- Approval of last meeting’s minutes
- 2022 Conference (Leah)
- Conference support committee updates
- Call for participation
- Student paper competition
- KU will reach out to potential fellow matches this week to ask about interest in matching with the selected students.
Leah is putting everything together for the call for abstracts and the newsletter. She will send the call for abstracts through Cvent and do a social media blast. The call for abstracts will hopefully go out before Memorial Day. The plan is to close abstract submissions by July 29th. Ben can do a social media teaser too, including information on the travel awards. Evgenia suggested having a professional development session at the conference. Leah will review the hotel conference contract and reach out to the hotel about when they need the hotel block confirmed. Patrick suggested that Leah follow-up with Allison Holbrook about the student paper competition, so Evgenia can apply.
- Secretary / Treasurer’s Report (Lindsey)
- Financial updates
- Checking: $27,979
- Savings: $46,973.50
- Membership survey update
- Lindsey will analyze the data this week and put together a piece for the newsletter.
- MAPOR privacy policy
- Can we use the template from AAPOR?
- They are going to send us a boilerplate document.
- Can we use the template from AAPOR?
- Zoom licenses
- We now have an annual license.
- Financial updates
- Communications (Benjamin)
- Summer newsletter upcoming – tentative timeline
Ben will send the newsletter out when we have a good amount of material. Justine suggested sending it out a few weeks before the abstract submissions wrap up. Ben will have more of a timeline when we meet in June, but Justine suggested sending it out by July 15th.
- Website (Hillary)
- Awards, Grants, and Support Committee (Bob)
- Student Fellowship Program updates
- Sponsorship (Dana)
- Online Learning Committee (Justine)
- Feedback and discussion on the execution of the first webinar
- Other events?
- Resume review?
- Speed networking?
MAPOR had a very successful, three-part webinar series. The feedback was very positive. The committee is discussing doing some type of resume building/networking webinar in August or September.
- Other business
- Mixers in 2022 – waiting for COVID rates to decline – any suggestions for locations
We discussed doing some kind of Zoom session or something in Chicago. Please bring your ideas to the June meeting.
Council members
President – Kevin Ulrich
Vice President / President Elect – Justine Bulgar-Medina
Past President – Dana Garbarski
Conference Chair – Leah Dean
Associate Conference Chair – Patrick Hsieh
Secretary-Treasurer – Lindsey Witt-Swanson
Website Coordinator – Hillary Hanson
Sponsorship Coordinator – Dana Garbarski
Student Liaison – Evgenia Kapousouz
Communications Chair – Benjamin Schapiro
Members at Large – Bob Davis, Erin Heiden, Rebecca Powell, David Sterrett, Jerry Timbrook
Conference Committee – Leah Dean (Chair), Patrick Hsieh, David Sterrett
Online Learning Committee – Justine Bulgar-Medina (Chair), Erin Heiden, Rebecca Powell, Jerry Timbrook
Awards, Grants, and Support Committee – Bob Davis (Chair), Evgenia Kapousouz
Secretary Treasurer Support – Lindsey Witt-Swanson, Kevin Ulrich
Communications Support – Benjamin Schapiro, Justine Bulgar-Medina, Evgenia Kapousouz
AAPOR Conference Committee – TBD