September 19, 2022
12:30 – 2:00 CST / 1:30 pm – 3:00pm EST
Attendees: Lindsey, David, Benjamin, Bob, Hillary, Kevin, Rebecca, Evgenia, Dana, Jerry, Leah, Patrick, and Justine
Thanks to Leah for pushing through and getting the registration and abstract notification process ready to go. Navigating Cvent is always a challenge and they made things more complicated by forcing us to utilize their new system this year. Thank you for pushing this through!!
MAPOR Mission Statement
We provide high-quality educational and conference programs to encourage scholarly exchanges across disciplines and geographies, broaden member access to mentors and resources, and bolster opportunities for leadership and innovations. We join forces with AAPOR, academic institutions, and government and industry employers to develop a thriving community that supports all MAPOR members, including students, scholars, and professionals in every stage of their career.
MAPOR Vision Statement
MAPOR is a leading voice in public opinion, survey, and social science scholarship, methods, and practice among regional professional associations. We are an inclusive and supportive community that enables our diverse members to achieve their educational, professional development, and networking goals.
- Approval of last meeting’s minutes
Minutes approved.
- 2022 Conference (Leah)
- Conference support committee updates
- Call for participation update
- Registration update
Cvent is for the most part set up. The preliminary program is in progress. There are currently four gold sponsors. Dana is planning to have two gold sponsors for the keynote and two sponsors for the pedagogy hour. We will not have specific sponsors for the other individual components like we have in the past. There will be the speed networking event and a separate coffee networking hour. All the paper presentation authors have accepted. There are two posters that have not yet accepted. Participation in the speed networking section is in the registration process currently. Patrick is going to reach out to the laptop rental folks David used last year. Leah wants to make sure that we have the registration ready to go either later this week or early next week. Then, the EC can help test it out.
Everything is going well with the hotel. Leah is going to get them the abbreviated schedule. She will also ask when they need the initial payment. Numbers are not due until mid-October.
Evgenia suggested a session geared towards giving students advice on how to publish, which will be discussed for next year.
Dana and Leah will send Lindsey the list of speakers, paper winners, and sponsors who will be using discount codes, so she can make sure they are being used appropriately as folks register for the conference.
Leah will send Lindsey a list of presenters, so Lindsey can add it to the Cvent Friends of MAPOR group. Then, they will receive all the registration and conference information.
- Secretary / Treasurer’s Report (Lindsey)
- Financial updates
Checking: $38,59.29
Savings: $47,211.08
- Credit card processing
Lindsey has successfully completed the test. We will also test it among EC members before broadcasting the registration link.
- MAPOR privacy policy
- Submitted
There is already a registration question asking about time in the field including an answer option for experience of less than two years. Kevin and Evgenia confirmed that this is what they want to identify early career attendees.
Kevin asked that the grant information be included in the registration process. Lindsey can add it to the summary page. Bob and Evgenia will draft language to use.
Lindsey has not heard anything about tax exemption status. She will figure out who to follow-up with.
SSRS has offered to plan and pay for the All Chapter Party. Some chapters have concerns, including that some attendees may feel uncomfortable if they work for a SRSS competitor and folks may miss the RSVP notifications. DCAAPOR and SAPOR believe strongly that the event should be called “All Chapter Party sponsored by SSRS” or something like that. DCAAPOR also wants the chapters to be involved in planning and decision-making. Lindsey will communicate to AAPOR that MAPOR wants the messaging to be very clear that it is not a private party and all AAPOR attendees are welcome whether or not they have RSVPed.
- Communications (Benjamin)
- Next newsletter – deadline for content is this week.
Please have the following items to Benjamin this week: President’s piece, webinar series information, MAPORtrait, and any other conference information to include. Benjamin will put something together about the coffee networking hour.
- Website (Hillary)
The website went down, but Hillary was able to get it back up. An issue occurred when updating plug-ins. Hillary called GoDaddy’s support, and MAPOR paid them to fix it. Hillary is ready to help post conference information to the website when it is ready.
- Awards, Grants, and Support Committee (Bob)
- Communications for MAPOR support grants
- Department heads?
- Communications for MAPOR support grants
Kevin will reach out to AASRO about the grant opportunities. Leah will put together a list of students who will present at the conference, so Evgenia and Bob can inform them of the grant opportunity.
- Sponsorship (Dana)
We have 18 sponsors for a total of $20,450, including four gold sponsors. Dana will put together sponsor slides to use throughout the conference. Dana is collecting the artwork from sponsors. The sponsors will be updated on the website the month of the conference and in the newsletter after the conference.
- Online Learning Committee (Justine)
The fall webinar series will take place on SOGI, veterans affairs, and racial inclusivity and cultural competency topics. This will be a three-part series leading into the conference. They will put together one registration process, and attendees will be able to attend as much as they are able to throughout the three weeks.
- Other business
- MAPOR EC – Request for nominations update
Later this week, the EC will receive a survey to approve or disapprove the list of candidates.
Jennifer Lynn, one of the student fellows, is withdrawing from presenting this year, but will present next year.
Council members
President – Kevin Ulrich
Vice President / President Elect – Justine Bulgar-Medina
Past President – Dana Garbarski
Conference Chair – Leah Dean
Associate Conference Chair – Patrick Hsieh
Secretary-Treasurer – Lindsey Witt-Swanson
Website Coordinator – Hillary Hanson
Sponsorship Coordinator – Dana Garbarski
Student Liaison – Evgenia Kapousouz
Communications Chair – Benjamin Schapiro
Members at Large – Bob Davis, Erin Heiden, Rebecca Powell, David Sterrett, Jerry Timbrook
Conference Committee – Leah Dean (Chair), Patrick Hsieh, David Sterrett
Online Learning Committee – Justine Bulgar-Medina (Chair), Erin Heiden, Rebecca Powell, Jerry Timbrook
Awards, Grants, and Support Committee – Bob Davis (Chair), Evgenia Kapousouz
Secretary Treasurer Support – Lindsey Witt-Swanson, Kevin Ulrich
Communications Support – Benjamin Schapiro, Justine Bulgar-Medina, Evgenia Kapousouz
AAPOR Conference Committee – TBD