April 9, 2018
1:00 pm – 2:30pm ET/Noon – 1:30 CT
Attendees: Ron, Matt, Jolene, Vanessa, Sara, Kevin, Josh, Colleen, Dana, Allison
I. 2018 Conference Update (Ned/Dana)
Student activities?
Abstract management software update (Matt)
Conference support committee met last week. They discussed with AAPOR representatives how AAPOR sets up roommate matching and they are exploring how to implement a similar system for MAPOR members.
Committee has ideas for invited panels and other sessions submitted by members. History of MAPOR, Women in Leadership, and Early Career Panel are current possibilities.
Colleen would like to make sure that all student opportunities are well advertised to students. This might also be a good thing to do for persons who are attending the conference for the first time. We could ask if people are registering for the conference for the first time during registration, and send an email specifically to them and students.
Committee feels they are on track for this year’s conference.
Abstract management software – Committee has looked around for other options and followed up with other organizations about what they use. There are multiple options out there – the roadblock seems to be the cost; they are not cheap. Committee will send a summary to council soon about what they feel are the best options.
Council decided to not bring shwag to the PAPOR event because we think people will be focused on networking and not on picking up stuff.
There is support to have a raffle for students – potentially a gift card or cards. EC decided that two, $150 gift cards would be appropriate. Ron will review with AAPOR about what they can re-imburse and make a decision about what to buy.
Ron will follow-up with Ned and Ipek about what they have in their inventory and get back to Kevin about what to send to AAPOR. Kevin will also check the inventory at UChicago and report back to Ron.
III. Communications Update (Mandy/Vanessa)
Doris Graber Memorial for MAPOR website
Doris Graber Memorial at UIC (Ron)
Power point promo for PAPOR reception at AAPOR
Social media engagement (Vanessa)
Mandy is working to get quotes and comments for the memorial for the website.
Paul Lavrakas will speak about Doris on behalf of MAPOR at the UIC event. Ron and Tim will work with Paul to put together something appropriate.
Vanessa distributed the social media engagement plan to EC which outlines recommendations for actions to be performed in the next few months. Vanessa will organize these materials to a “social media materials” in the MAPOR Google drive.
Council moved to vote and approved $500 for the MAPOR logo refresh. Vanessa will follow up with the designer about ideas.
IV. Treasurer’s Report (Jolene)
Current update
Savings account: $45,015
Checking account: $12,609
Jolene filed the annual report and 990 form.
MAPOR will receive $940 from AAPOR for folks who updated their MAPOR membership when they registered for the AAPOR conference.
V. Website (Josh)
Site refresh update
The Beta of the new website is up and is open for EC review. Josh can create accounts for anyone who needs to be an editor on the page. Council members had a few quick suggestions for changes but so far the page is looking great.
Photos – What can we do to promote people taking photos at the presentation? Ron will put this on the agenda for the next council meeting. Perhaps we could have a photo contest and provide a small prize for the best photo?
VI. MAPOR History Group (Mandy)
Ron sent Paul an email about an update. Although we know Paul has been in contact with some of the fellows, no material has been distributed.
VII. Bylaws update (Ron)
Ron has aggregated the materials we need to present when we have the electronic vote. The electronic vote can be done through CVENT. Ron will work with Jolene get that set up.
VIII. Sponsorship update (Allison)
No new update at this time.
IX. Member benefits (All)
- 2018 Mixer? (F2F meeting?)
- Webinar 2?
- Other things survey suggests?
We may have a mixer, and are open to considering other locations outside Chicago. We asked about what other conferences MAPOR members attend in the annual survey, perhaps we could use this as a resource to find a location for another mixer this summer?
Council is interested is hosting another webinar. We need to follow-up with Patrick to inquire about any leads. We asked about potential topics in the member survey – this could be a resource for new potential webinar ideas?
The value of a face-to-face meeting is not known at this time. Ron will follow-up with Ipek and Ned about the need to conduct a face-to-face as a lot of the benefit of the face-to-face is in assisting the conference chair.
X. Other Business?
We would like to post meeting minutes to a place that is accessible to all members. Going forward, the secretary-treasurer will post the meeting notes to the Google drive, informing EC to make any edits or changes before a certain date. After the date has passed, the minutes will be posted to a page on the MAPOR web page.
Next Meeting: Monday May 14, 1:00 ET/Noon CT