February 18, 2019
12:00 – 1:30 CST/1:00 pm – 2: 30pm EST
Attendees: Ipek, Kevin, Mandy, Dana, Justine, Ned, Sara, Colleen, Josh, Ron, Patrick
I. 2020-2022 Conference Hotel Contract Update (Ipek)
Executed Hotel Contracts are located in the Contracts Folder of the google drive.
Thanks to the subcommittee for reviewing the hotel contracts! We now have executed contracts for 3 additional years at the Embassy Suites. The contact is available on the Google drive. Please contact Ipek if you have any questions about the contract.
II. Ann Arbor Mixer: New date (March 25) (Josh/Colleen)
a. Venue
b. Registration/RSVP website
c. Announcements
Date is now set for March 25th due to weather and travel considerations. Top floor of Jolly Pumpkin in downtown Ann Arbor is now booked. Kevin will send his credit card information to Josh to secure with the vendor.
Colleen and Justine will have registration site ready by end of the week. Colleen will send out the registration info with who will send out what after she receives the materials.
III. Webinar (April 17) (Patrick)
Date is set for April 17th. Patrick is getting bio and head shots from presenters – Trent and Antje.
Patrick will send info to Kevin and put it up on the drive so Kevin can ensure that that Cvent is ready to accept people signing up.
IV. Communications (Justine)
a. Newsletter
b. Updates to the website calendar
c. Communications schedule
New communications schedule is up on Google docs. Justine will distribute the communications schedule to EC for review. Please update other communications and let Justine know if you make changes so she is in the loop. Justine is working on the newsletter to go out at the end of February. Columns are due to Justine for the newsletter by next Monday, 2/25. Justine will distribute to EC for editing before it goes out to the membership.
V. 2019 Conference (Dana/Sara)
a. Conference theme
b. Speakers
c. Call for Conference Participation and Student Paper Competition Announcements
d. Student Paper Competition Award
Confirmed the keynote speaker. Dana is working with the subcommittee to wordsmith the conference theme but feel they are close to having it finalized. From there we will think about going after someone for the pedagogy hour. The subcommittee has ideas on potential speakers.
Dana will also review the survey results to see if there are any tweaks or other considerations to be made. Kevin will be sending these out soon.
Paper award competition amounts have been changed and should be reflected in future conference materials. The amount was upped to $500. Dana will be sure to highlight this in messaging going out in the newsletter.
VI. Treasurer’s Report (Kevin)
a. Budget updates
Checking: $17,320.74
Savings: $45,018.77
990 Federal has been submitted. Kevin will submit Illinois report before the next meeting. He will reach out to Joe Murphy about getting this submitted.
Kevin will send out the survey results to EC well before the next meeting so that they can review beforehand.
VII. MAPOR purchases with new logo (Sara)
a. Bringing with us to AAPOR – Table cloth, banner, and giveaways
Sara has one quote from “For Imprint” – Step & Repeat, Banner, and tablecloth. She is waiting for another bid from another vendor. She will get a tablecloth with an open-back. There are options for full-color and B/W. After she gets the next quote she will send these to EC to get input. The turn-around time to have these printed is very quick; about 8 days. The cost for all materials should be around $1,000.
Ipek wondered if it would be cheaper if we got give-aways from these same vendors. Sara wants to get the bid for the big stuff first, then she will look into the costs for the give-aways. The current bid is in a folder on the drive.
We usually ship these materials to AAPOR around April for the conference. Our deadline would be to have these before that date. Kevin will make sure we meet the deadline to sending these to AAPOR.
VIII. AAPOR All Chapter Unofficial Event (Ipek)
a. Sponsorship/Photo Booth
There will be an informal, all-chapter event on Friday night. The organizing chapters for the event are MAPOR and PAPOR, although all chapters provide sponsorship. MAPOR sponsored $1,500 for the photo booth last year and if we sponsored it again this year the cost would be the same.
Ipek requested feedback if we should sponsor the photo booth again this year. Ron and Kevin both audibly supported the idea.
Ron moved that we again provide $1,500 sponsorship for the photo booth at this year’s AAPOR conference.
Dana seconded the motion.
Council voted in favor.
There were no objections and no abstentions.
The motion is accepted.
Ipek will inform AAPOR about our support for the photo booth. Ipek will forward the invoice to Kevin to pay.
IX. Rules and regulations re budget and reserves (Ron)
Ron looked into what an appropriate amount of money would be to have in reserves. He reached out to the chapters and to Adam at AAPOR to see if they have guidance about how much we should have in reserves. Ron will touch base with Kevin and Mary. He is waiting to hear back from the other chapters.
Kevin notes that members were surveyed as to how they think funds should be spent. The survey results will be available soon to EC.
X. MAPOR Vision and Mission (Mandy)
Mandy has the inputs provided on the MAPOR vision and mission statement. She will take these and come up with 3 different versions for EC, past-presidents, and fellows to review. We will have a 3-week period of review. By the end of April we will have a completed visions and mission.
Mandy will revise the timeline materials to reflect that we will be soliciting feedback from key persons for their feedback, to include members of previous ECs.
Mandy moved to approve the timeline and plan for the MAPOR vision and mission statement (pending some changes to the notification plan which she outlined to EC).
Ron seconded the motion.
Council voted in favor.
There were no objections and no abstentions.
The motion is accepted.
MAPOR History update. Paul is moving forward with the project and he has contacted all of the fellows and he is getting more replies as time goes on.
XI. Other business?
Kevin would like to discuss swapping Cvent over to their new product. “Cvent FLEX System”. Kevin will provide a description of the pros and cons for EC to discuss at the next meeting, as well as a description of the cost implications.
Meeting adjourned.
Next meeting: March 18 (Monday) @ Noon CT/1:00 ET