June 11, 2018

1:00 pm – 2:30pm ET/Noon – 1:30 CT

Attendees: Ron, Jolene, Ned, Patrick, Matt, Ipek, Josh, Colleen, Vanessa, Allison



  1. MAPOR @ AAPOR – Reviewed MAPOR’s presence at AAPOR, including our social media present. Several people were tweeting regularly though out the conference and our presence seemed strong.  Ron is following up with AAPOR to make sure that MAPOR materials used at the conference are shipped back on time for the MAPOR conference in November.
  2. Conference Update –
    • Abstract submission numbers this year are comparable with where they were at this time last year.
    • The student paper call is out and reminders to submit student papers will be coming around soon. Council voted on a policy to provide conference registration and luncheon tickets for up to three co-authors in the case of winning papers that have multiple authors.  No change was made to the monetary award amount for winning papers.
    • Council agreed to keep conference fees for 2018 the same as 2017. It was noted that fees have not changed for several years now. They may have to be increased in the future depending on sponsorship and hotel contracts.  Fees for the luncheon have not yet been set; they will be set after meetings with the hotel in which food prices will be determined.
  3. Communications update – Through an EC vote, council has narrowed down the new logo designs to the top few. These will be presented to the membership for a vote in the coming weeks.  Vanessa has been working on coordinating MAPOR social media and is getting infrastructure in place for the EC to use for this purpose.  The June newsletter will be coming out very soon.  It is being finalized now.
  4. Sponsorship update – We are gearing up to start the sponsorship drive for 2018.
  5. Treasurer’s report –
    • Checking: $12,850
    • Savings: $45,015
    • Jolene has updated our PCI compliance documents. EC reviewed MAPOR’s Credit Card Processing Security Policy (i.e., a policy about how we keep credit card information secure) and voted on one small update (i.e., allowing the associate conference chair to have access to Cvent).
    • The EC briefly discussed needing to update some of our materials with the new logo when it is settled upon and to think about the budgetary needs for doing so. No decisions were made at this point.
  6. Website – It was suggested that we need consistent colors (i.e., branding) across all of our communications. We decided to base our colors on the outcome of the logo vote.  We also discussed a couple of changes for the website.  Josh is getting feedback about the website from members and making changes as needed.  Other EC members have access and editing rights to add content to the website, including to an events calendar that we will use to keep membership up to date on important upcoming events.
  7. MAPOR History Group – This group of Fellows is working on compiling MAPOR history and will let the EC know soon if they will have content on time for the upcoming conference.
  8. Webinar update – Patrick has identified a speaker that all of the EC were very positive about for the fall webinar and is working to confirm the speaker’s willingness and availability. More on this soon.
  9. Bylaws Update – The EC will call a special e-meeting for a bylaws vote in the coming weeks.
  10. Face-to-Face meeting/mixer
    • To balance the benefits of a face-to-face meeting with the costs, the EC agreed to have a face-to-face meeting in Chicago this summer with the president, conference committee, and EC members from the Chicago area there in person and others from outside the Chicago area joining by telephone or electronically to save travel costs. We are looking into dates, times, and meeting software for this meeting.
    • Ron suggested exploring Ann Arbor as a possible mixer location for the fall to try to spread the location around and reach members outside Chicago. EC members are looking into the feasibility of this idea.
  11. Other business – Ron asked the EC members to be thinking of nominations for office and ideas for Fellows as he’ll want our ideas on this soon.


Next Meeting: Monday July 9, 1:00 ET/Noon CT

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