April 15, 2019
12:00 – 1:30 CST/1:00 pm – 2: 30pm EST
Ned, Kevin, Ipek, Allyson, Patrick, Colleen, Dana, Mary, Josh, Sara, Justine, Mandy
- Webinar (April 17) (Patrick)
- Number of registrants
- Announcements
- Logistics – attendance and payment
The webinar is ready to go – there are 29 registrants for the webinar. Patrick will send out the links to registrants on Wednesday. Patrick will coordinate with the speakers to discuss the logistics. He will introduce speakers and then turn it over to them to present.
- MAPOR purchases with new logo (Sara)
- Updates
- Sending to AAPOR – Table cloth, banner, and giveaways
Sara thanks everyone for their input on the materials to purchase. All the materials have been delivered to Sara at NORC. Total cost was $1,234. Also had newly branded MAPOR giveaways delivered – total cost = $516. All of these will be sent to AAPOR by Sara later in the week in time for the AAPOR conference.
- MAPOR at AAPOR (Ipek)
- AAPOR Official All Chapter Event
- Table set-up and staff
- Raffle logistics and prices ($250 reimbursement from AAPOR)
- AAPOR Official All Chapter Event
- 2019 MAPOR annual conference flyer & Unofficial chapter event flyer
- Creating MAPOR @ AAPOR documentation
Ipek asks who is available to staff the table and who is interested in doing so. Please let her know if and when you are interested.
Do people have ideas about what we can raffle? Gift cards seem like the least complicated to obtain, but lack the “Midwest” affiliation. Ron brought Kentucky bourbon once, but it can be problematic for the winner to bring back. Ipek will reach out to Ned, Allyson, and Kevin to discuss further. If others have new ideas, please let Ipek know.
Dana will coordinate with Ned about having bookmarks which advertise our call for papers. We can distribute at the MAPOR booth.
MAPOR at AAPOR list. Mandy solicited info from members, and then she went through the program to see if there were others who we could add to the list. We also added the other events (photo booth) that are MAPOR sponsored. Justine will create the template and asks for others to get another set of eyes on it for editing. Sara will assist Justine with this process.
- AAPOR Unofficial All Chapter Party (The Fifth Social Club, May 17 @ 7:30-10:30 PM)
- Photo Booth (MAPOR sponsored event)
- Power point promo slide for the unofficial chapter party (due 4/15)
- Anything else?
All members are invited to attend the “Unofficial” Chapter party on Friday night.
Ned will update the power point from last year for the slides.
We need to do a better job of getting photos of members at our events! Let’s make an effort to get some group photos this year and add them to the Google drive.
- Communications (Justine)
- Newsletter template/communications committee
- Plans on upcoming social media postings
- Pictures from events
Post AAPOR mini newsletter will highlight MAPOR at AAPOR. Please reach out to her if you have potential content to add for a newsletter to go out after the conference.
- 2019 MAPOR Conference (Dana)
- Call for Conference Participation
- Student Paper Competition Announcements
- Abstract management programming and review updates
- Anything else?
Dana has received feedback on ‘a’ and ‘b’ items. John and Nora Cate from UW will be running the student paper competition this year.
Kevin and Dana have the abstract site up. Please go through the survey and provide feedback if you have not already done so.
Abstract site is usually launched around May 1st. Link to abstract site on webpage. After this is tested, communications and sec/treas send out to all of the communication channels (MAPORnet, friends of MAPOR, social media, etc.).
Call for participation and Student paper competition – Ipek asked webmaster to put these in pdf on the website and abstract put up the abstract management link. Dana will use the same process.
Dana will work with Josh to get the information up on the web.
Dana will reach out to Kevin about making changes to the abstract submission survey.
Early career question on the abstract submission site. Please provide feedback on the wording and how this can be used.
- Secretary-Treasurer’s Report (Kevin)
- Budget updates
- Survey updates
Checking: $18,658
Savings: $45,019
Kevin has created the summary from the survey based on feedback from EC. Kevin will work with Justine about getting the summary out to membership in a newsletter. In next year’s survey we will inform members that we would like to publish the results. EC feels there are privacy issues if we publish the full data without first informing participants that we intend to do so.
- Rules and regulations re budget and reserves (Ron)
Mary, Kevin, and Ron met to discuss. Kevin will go through the past 2-3 years of budgets to determine what a full year of costs have been for us. The three of them will meet at AAPOR to discuss, then Ron will draft a policy. It may include language that states the sec treasurer will occasionally re-evaluate what average expenses are.
- MAPOR Vision and Mission (Mandy)
- MAPOR Vision and Mission Project Draft Versions
Mandy solicited feedback from past presidents and fellows. Their feedback and direct quotes are annotated on the Google document. Specifically, EC discussed:
- Put research excellence first
- Diversity refers to the membership, not necessarily methods
- MAPOR’s identity and geography
Mandy will implement this next round of changes and distribute to EC.
Next meeting: May 20 (Monday) @ Noon CT/1:00 ET
Ipek will send an email with a Google poll to discuss moving this date as many EC members will not be able to attend.