March 18, 2019
12:00 – 1:30 CST/1:00 pm – 2: 30pm EST
Attendees: Ipek, Josh, Kevin, Mandy, Colleen, Dana, Ashley, Justine, Allison, Ron, Patrick
- Ann Arbor Mixer (March 25) (Josh/Colleen)
- Registration/RSVP #s
- Announcements/Reminder Emails to the attendees
- Venue/Payment/Other logistics (food/drinks/name tags/etc..)
Currently have 20 registrants for the event. We expect more people will RSVP after the newsletter goes out. Justine will update Josh about the number for the event as we get closer. The venue said these numbers would be pretty easy to handle. Colleen will bring the table cloth and be there to help set it up. Please send Kevin digital copies of any receipts you get from purchases for the event. We will send another round of messaging to members. The newsletter goes out next week, and the social media has been refreshed. Kevin will send the friends of MAPOR list to Colleen and Josh in an attempt to identify and contact any other organizations or individuals who are in the area.
- Webinar (April 17) (Patrick)
- Announcements
- Logistics
Web page hass been updated, it will all be published this week. Patrick will send the materials to Kevin so that he can distribute. Patrick will reach out to Justine to cover social media. We will be sure to stagger communications over the next 4 weeks.
- Communications (Justine)
- Newsletter
- Sponsorship information confirmation
- Publication and Announcement Schedule
- Pictures from events
- Communications Plan
- Newsletter
A draft of the newsletter has gone out. Please provide feedback to Justine if you have not so by tomorrow morning. The newsletter is planned to go out tomorrow.
Concerning future newsletters – If you have images from other events, please send these to Justine to add to future newsletters as they take away from some of the whitespace on the pages.
Justine wants to make sure that the benefits of membership are up to date.
Justine will send a link to a folder where people can send updated headshots for future publications. The headshots in the current issue are pulled from older newsletters – they may be outdated or of lower quality.
- 2019 Conference (Dana)
- Conference theme:
- Where Methods and Substance Meet: Reflecting the Present and Shaping the Future of Public Opinion and Survey Research
- Speakers
- Brady West, Barbara Anderson, Justine Bulgar-Medina
- Reorganization of Conference directory on MAPOR Google Drive
- Call for Conference Participation and Student Paper Competition Announcements
- Discuss potential conference tweaks based on survey data for feedback (below)
- Conference theme:
Dana is drafting the call for papers and the student paper competition documents.
She would like to enable something in Cvent so that persons have the ability of people to characterize their paper topic when they submit. Kevin believes this should be doable.
Also, it would be great to have persons be able to select whether or not they would like to be put into a methodological brief. Some of the methods papers from last year were not quite suitable to be presented in the methods format.
Dana has rewiewed the Member Survey responses about what we should do in case we have a record number of submissions. She will make decisions based on this feedback as well as the number of registrants we receive. We may not be able to accommodate what people want if we don’t have the physical space to do so.
Dana re-organized the conference subgroup folder. She sorted things into content groups by year. Please be aware that things have been moved if you are searching for something and can no longer find it.
One issue we have is the lack of organization on the drive. Ipek is open to suggestions for a volunteer or a committee to take a look at re-organizing the drive.
Some people feel they might be seeing other things than others when in the drive. Patrick explained that it is very possible that some folders have been created by individuals and there are only individual level permissions which do not align with the current EC. So, it is very possible that some EC see a different folders when they log in. Ipek will put more thought into this and we can discuss during the next meeting.
- Treasurer’s Report (Kevin)
- Budget updates
Checking: $18,931.66
Savings: $45,019.11
Illinois non-profit report has been filed.
Federal report has been filed.
- Review the Conference and Member Survey data (Kevin)
- What are interesting findings we can distribute to members? Anything surprising? Should we make the entire dataset available?
Kevin reviewed some of the high level findings of interest. It seems that in previous years, we have provided a summary of some of the interesting findings and then provided links to the survey data. Kevin will work to put something together that can be distributed to all members.
- MAPOR purchases with new logo (Ipek)
- Bringing with us to AAPOR – Table cloth, banner, and giveaways
- Estimates from vendors (4 Imprint, UPrinting, and Chicago Signs and Printing):
Sara gathered quotes from 4 Imprint, UPrinting, and a local vendor, Chicago Signs and Printing. Chicago Signs and Printing and UPrinting were both less expensive, but Chicago Signs and Printing has limited stock and UPrinting had inconsistent reviews online in terms of product quality and customer experience. 4Imprint had more options to choose from, their sales rep was very knowledgeable about the products, and 4Imprint was the only vendor who provided me with an actual quote (not an email or verbal quotes) and followed up with me. I think 4Imprint is the best choice- although they are more expensive, I think we’re paying for higher quality products and they will be the easiest to work with. I’d like council’s approval to move forward with placing an order with 4Imprint. As for tchotchkes, I’ll look through the goodies on 4Imprint’s site. Justine suggested lanyards, so I’ll check work on those next once we get the big order out.
- AAPOR All Chapter Unofficial Event (Ipek)
- Photo Booth
The photo booth is a go.
- Rules and regulations re budget and reserves (Ron)
Ron reached out to multiple other chapters, but only one chapter sent their policy about the guidance. It may be that other chapters just don’t have a policy. Based on anecdotal evidence, it seems that one year of reserves is the a reasonable and common nest egg. Ron will work with Kevin and Mary to draft a document for MAPOR.
- MAPOR Vision and Mission (Mandy)
- Draft MAPOR Vision and Mission:
Mandy solicited feedback and asked for further clarification concerning feedback from the Google document. Next steps will be for Mandy to reach out to former EC and fellows to solicit feedback and ideas. Mandy will work to refine the vision and mission, then present another round to EC to vote.
Next meeting: April 15 (Monday) @ Noon CT/1:00 ET