August 13, 2018
1:00 pm – 2:30pm ET/Noon – 1:30 CT
Attendees: Jolene, Ron, Ned, Mat, Mandy, Vanessa, Josh, Colleen, Sarah, Ipek, Allison, Vicki Pineau (AAPOR)
- SurveyFest2018 (Vicki/Audris) – AAPOR will be holding an event November 3rd at the University of Illinois in Chicago to attract students to the field. AAPOR is looking to MAPOR for speakers for a panel or other involvement such as helping with advertising or registration. Ipek, Patrick, and Kevin are interested in participating. Colleen is also able to help out. Ipek and Vicki will work to integrate the volunteers into the planning meetings.
- Conference Update (Ned/Dana)– MAPOR received 132 submissions, up 32 over last year. Abstracts were reviewed by a team of EC members. Ned and Dana will inform authors of acceptance this week. The interviewer working group is planned again this year. Ned is checking on the need/desire for a second working group. The goal is to launch the conference registration page before August 31 and to work on creating the program in September.
- Communications Update (Mandy/Vanessa) – MAPOR will start using the new logo on the website and social media accounts. The next newsletter will come out in the fall, likely October. The EC is working on content now.
- Sponsorship Update (Allison) – MAPOR sponsors have committed about $12,000 for the conference and payment is coming in now. Allison continues to work with the conference committee to incorporate sponsor artwork into the program.
- Treasurer’s Report (Jolene/Kevin) – Checking: $14,592.24. Savings: $45016.55 . Jolene and Kevin are working on building the conference registration site.
- Website (Josh) – Josh is updating the website as needed, including adding the new logo.
- Webinar Update (Patrick)– Patrick is working on finalizing the Fall webinar.
- Bylaws Update (Ron) – All proposed changes in the bylaws were approved. Ron will update the official documents with the changes and date of change and work with Josh to get the website updated. Josh is also tracking down historic bylaws documents.
- Election (Ron) – The call for nominations yielded 2 self-nominations and one other-nomination. Ron will start contacting people to gauge interest. The slate of candidates will be presented to the membership by September 18th. Ron will work on this in the coming weeks.
- Face to Face Meeting (9/20) / Mixer (All) – Josh and Colleen are working on the Mixer plan, including looking for a date in October to have the mixer in Ann Arbor and thinking through options for having relevant organizations sponsor the mixer and then attend to interface with students. In this way, MAPOR can help students and potential employers connect.
- Other Business? – The agenda for the face-to-face meeting in September is under development, but much of the meeting will focus on conference planning. Local (to Chicago) EC members and the conference committee will attend in person. Everyone else will join electronically to minimize travel expenses.
Next Meeting: Thursday September 20th during the half-day in-person/conference call meeting (12:00 Central).