August 17th, 2020

12:30 – 2:00 CST/1:30 pm – 3:00 pm EST

Zoom invite

MAPOR MOMENT of the MONTH:  Our MAPOR Moment of the Month recognizes Justine for getting the fabulous newsletter out, describing our conference and call for papers in more detail.  

Attendees: Ned, Lindsey, Mary, David, Kevin, Ipek, Leah, Dana, Evgenia, Justine, Sara, Stephanie


  1. Approve July minutes           (Ned)

July minutes approved

  1. President’s Update     (Ned)
    1. Statement on inclusion and diversity- endorse AAPOR,,-Equity,-and-Inclusio.aspx
    2. Mid-September meeting
      1. Please respond to Doodle if you haven’t
      2. Will be heavy focus on conference program and logistics
    3. Call for nominations will go out soon to members (last year sent 8/27)

Input on nominations for fellows and executive council

Proposal to endorse AAPOR’s statement, rather than creating our own statement for MAPOR. AAPOR’s statement is comprehensive and all-encompassing. Ned will circulate the AAPOR statement to Council and give an opportunity to endorse and perhaps add. We will discuss and finalize at next month’s meeting.

Please respond to scheduling poll by end of this week. 

Major agenda items are conference planning and finance update. Ned and Ipek will put together a draft agenda. 

  1. 2020 Conference                          (Sara/David)
    1. Abstract acceptance status notifications
    2. Latest update on remote conversion and software
    3. Student Paper Competition Award Updates
    4. Abstract review and conference program
    5. Student paper competition 
    6. MAPOR annual conference fees
  1. Moderator role; Networking lunch; Book raffle
  2. Speed networking
  3. Fellowship program
  4. Outreach to specific institutions

We’ve received 17 abstracts, which is lower than previous years. Sara will extend the deadline 2 weeks (September 4) and will increase reach out to potential participants. Sara will confirm with Tom Smith whether a 1-week extension to student paper deadline is okay. Even though we’re behind where we were last year, a last-minute push is normal. And, if we have fewer papers/sessions, it’s fine – we have strong key presentations already lined up and we can have more of a focus on those.

Conference software: two final options are Cadmium (AAPOR used) and Prestige. Had a good meeting with Prestige, big advantage is the tech support that they provide during virtual conferences. Still waiting on cost estimate. Hope to have decision made by end of this week.

Conference speakers are confirmed and have a good sense of how they will engage with the virtual interface (without knowing yet final software). 

Sara, Ned, Mary, and Allison meet to discuss sponsorship. With either software platform, there are some good options for how to integrate sponsors (“commercials”, sponsoring individual sessions, etc.). The cost of an “exhibit hall” is too much, but we could schedule a “session” for a vendor or sponsor if they prefer.  

For “live” sessions, we will need to identify moderators, to manage questions and discussions. Whether we have “discussants” is still up in the air. If so, might be good idea to run a training or practice session for the moderators/discussants. For poster sessions, Sara is thinking about how to engage Fellows to provide support to poster presenters.

  1. Treasurer’s Report                           (Kevin)
    1. Budget Updates

Checking: $35,598

Savings: $45,025

Kevin received a $440 check from AAPOR for people who became members through their website. He will deposit to savings this week. And, Kevin received new list of members from AAPOR to add to our database. 

For next meeting, Kevin will prepare cost scenario tied to virtual conference. Mary reported that sponsorship commitments seem to be down from last year – too early to make final prediction. 

  1. Communications                     (Justine)

Justine will amplify the call for submissions to social media, highlighting the extended deadline. Then will add additional touches as we get closer to September 4.

  1. Sponsorship   (Allison/Mary)

Notifications/requests went out to previous sponsors last week. Mary will give 2 weeks before she follows up with non-responders. 

  1. Webinars            (Patrick)
    1. Fall:  AAPOR short course or other presenters?

Lindsey reviewed AAPOR presentations and sent some ideas for follow up. Two topics are identified, but will take some work with presenters to make them effective topics for a MAPOR webinar. Patrick prioritizes “practical take-aways” for our attendees. 1) How to measure Hispanic ethnicity? (build on Census presentations) and Measuring perception of discrimination (Pew experimental questions); 2) [???]

Patrick will send out a description of topics for Council review and discussion. He is prepared to go ahead with the “ethnicity” topic for the fall webinar (mid-October) but he needs to work with Census/Pew to modify their AAPOR presentation to make it more relevant for our audience. 

  1. Summer/Fall 2020 Mixer           (Evgenia/Lindsay)
    1. Should we try a Zoom happy hour?

Evgenia attended the PAPOR event in Zoom (about 20 people attended). Introductions, 2 Truths and a Lie, then small break-out rooms to play another game. It went well, and MAPOR could do something similar. Evgenia will send around a proposal/recommendation. Target on timing will be early October. In addition, we’ll do some sort of “get togethers” tied to the Conference in November.

  1. Website              (Patrick)    

Link to the current newsletter is posted.

  1. Other business?            

Evgenia is trying to find email addresses of the Fellows to contact them regarding mentorship program. Such a list exists – Sara will post it in MAPOR drive. 

Next Meeting: Annual meeting in mid-September!

Committee Composition: 

  1. Conference (Sara, Dana, David, Leah)
  2. Sponsorship (Allison, Mary)
  3. Webinar (Patrick, Lindsay)
  4. Website (Patrick)
  5. Student Award (Ipek, Ned, Kevin, Dana, Evgenia)