January 14, 2018

12:00 – 1:15 CST/1:00 pm – 2:15pm EST


Attendees: Kevin, Ned, Mandy, Justine, Ipek, Josh, Allison, Mary, Colleen, Dana, Patrick, Ashley, Sara


  1. Website                                (Josh)
    1. Updates to website
    2. Uploading conference presentations

Josh would prefer to have individuals be able to update what aspects of the website they are responsible for. Website is fully on WordPress so if you have a login, you can access and edit. Send user names and passwords to Josh if you do not have access but would like it. From there, everyone can update their portion of the site.\wp-admin gets you to the login. Major changes will be made by Josh or with josh’s help, minor changes should be made by those responsible for their content.

Justine will develop some way to document the suggested changes that need to be made.

We need to make sure that the mobile views are functioning. Justine will go into the system and see if she can find locations that need to be updated and work with Josh to make appropriate edits.

Josh suggests using the standard events calendar in the website. Calendar was set up as a Google Calendar. Josh suggests getting all of our milestone events onto this calendar. Ipek or Justine will reach out to Josh to upload some significant events (EC meetings, relevant conferences, newsletters, registration dates, webinars, MAPOR conference dates, etc.). Any events that allow members to feel engaged would be helpful to add.  Dana will work with Josh and coordinate with Justine about getting the significant conference events on the calendar.

Ned will aggregate the presentations from the conference and drop them into a google calendar, which would then be linked from the website. Ned will go through and remove those who requested their presentation was not made public.

  1. Mixer   (Josh/Colleen)
    1. Date/time of the event
    2. Venue
    3. Registration/RSVP website & announcements
    4. Who is attending from MAPOR Council?


We would like to meet Feb 4th from 5:30-7. There are minimums set by the locations with regard to drinks or food. We need to send out an invite with an RSVP in order to get a feel for expectations. The minimums would be fine if we knew how many people were going to come.

The Jolly Pumpkin is a brewery with nice space and good food. The minimum for that space is $400 per hour. They may be willing to negotiate a lower rate given that it is a Monday evening. Justine will put together a communication to collect RSVP numbers. Josh has a draft text that we can distribute and Justine will wrap this language into an Evite.

Kevin will send the invite out via the member lists. Communications will also send out via Twitter and the FB page. We would like to have the communication completed by no later than the 15th, and send out shortly thereafter.

  1. MAPOR purchases with new logo            (Sara)

Ipek and Sara met to discuss what needs to be purchased. Vertical banner, step and repeat, tablecloth, and some give-away stuff for the conferences. She will try to get quotes for these things all together. Sara will reach out to Kevin about dimensions and the tax free documentation. She hopes to have at least the tablecloth and banner ready for the AAPOR conference.

If anyone knows of other ‘interesting’ give away items, please reach out to Sara.

  1. 2019 Conference              (Dana/Sara)
    1. Conference theme
    2. Speaker Updates
    3. Call for Conference Participation and Student Paper Competition Announcements
    4. Student Paper Competition Award Updates

We have now secured a short-course presenter. Dana is in process of securing the key-note. The pedagogy will follow after getting the key-note confirmed. Committee is working on nailing down the theme.

Announcements should be being finalized by the end of the month.

Ipek suggests raising the amount we provide to the winners of the student paper competition. We currently provide $200, which does not do much to defer student costs if they do not live in the Chicago area. Can we provide more money towards their travel or hotel costs? It would be easier to have the amount be a fixed amount, rather than having to worry about reimbursing students and passing receipts for travel, hotels, etc.

Ron proposed that we increase the amount we provide to student paper winners from $200 to $500.

Mary seconded the motion.

Council voted majority to approve.

There were no objections and no abstentions.

The motion is accepted.

  1. 2020 Conference Hotel Contract Update     (Ipek/Ron/Ned/Sara/Kevin)
    1. Proposals from Embassy, Renaissance, and Marriott
    2. Survey results re current hotel
    3. Will vote for renewal of the contract with Embassy

Marriot and Renaissance contacted us about making a bid. The sub-committee discussed the pros and cons of all of the bids. They cannot find any benefit to move to another hotel at this time. The rates are reasonable, they are lower than the other hotels, and we have had a very positive experience with their staff. The sub-committee recommends signing a new contract with the Embassy Suites for the next 3 years.

Ron made a motion for Ipek to move forward to contact the Embassy Suites and sign a new 3-year contract as long as the terms do not deviate from the proposal they provided.

Mary seconded the motion.

Council voted majority to approve.

There were no objections and no abstentions.

The motion is accepted.

  1. Member Survey Update                              (Kevin)
    1. Survey is closed
    2. Brief Summary of the Results

Kevin cleaned the data over the holidays. There are 165 responses in the file (155 completes and 10 partial completes). He will code the open-end concerning how best to utilize MAPOR’s current savings. He will provide a set of frequencies and a dataset by the next meeting. Ipek would like to have these sent to membership at some point, perhaps through a newsletter.

  1. Treasurer’s Report                              (Kevin)
    1. Updates
    2. Contribution from Doris Graber
    3. Membership list updates

Checking: $17,388

Savings: $45,018

Doris Graber’s son informed us that Doris made funds available for MAPOR from her estate. Kevin will inform the membership when these funds arise.

Kevin continues to add new members as they come in from AAPOR.

  1. Communications Updates                     (Justine)
    1. Newsletter
    2. Communications Plan and Schedule

Justine has put together a time-line to assist with having streamlined communications go out to members. She asks council to send suggestions for other communications which may go out during slow parts of the year to keep people connected to MAPOR. We will target for 3 newsletters throughout the year.

  1. Next Webinar             (Patrick)

Patrick and Ipek have agreement from a speaker (data visualization) although the timing is not certain. Patrick also has a new lead for a spring webinar. Please let him know if you have any other leads to follow-up with.

  1. MAPOR mission statement next steps             (Mandy)

Mandy sent a schedule to EC about next steps for this initiative. Mandy will request new inputs from council members before the next meeting.

  1. AAPOR All Chapter Unofficial Event Updates   (Ipek)

Ipek is working with folks from PAPOR to put together a mutually shared event at the next AAPOR conference. (Since Canada does not have a chapter, we will work with PAPOR to host an event.)

  1. Other business?                      

Sponsorship. Allison and Ipek have created a quick “Thank You / Happy New Year” for their contributions.         

The next EC meeting is on Feb. 18th which is President’s day. Ipek asked EC members about if this would be an issue. It seems we should keep the date for now.

To be discussed in future meetings:


  1. MAPOR history project      (Ipek/Mandy)


  1. Election software investigation         (Ron/Ipek)