MAPOR Members meeting
Taken during annual conference – 11/17/18
The following notes were taken after the presentation of slides by council members.
- On the Cvent registration form, we should ask if the person is an early career researcher
- History of MAPOR group. Paul Lavarakas – Paul and Ipek will reach out to fellows and get things moving. They will have their first meeting in January and they will be in touch with council with an update.
- Some people wanted to add lunch to their registration after the completed their registration but could not. A request was made about having the ability for people to make changes to their registration after it has been completed.
- Thank you to Ned for articulating the inclusive nature of MAPOR.
- What will be done with MAPOR’s financial reserves?
- A member suggested using the money towards funding more students to be able to attend MAPOR conference. Member requested that council explain what they have planned with the current reserves. Council responded that aside from the initiatives described during the president’s presentation, there was no official plan to do anything with reserves, except to set them aside.
- Member suggested having one year of operating costs aside for any issues that might come up.
- A previous council member explained the financial issue that came up at a conference a few years ago where multiple unexpected finances were incurred during the conference and as a result, the final cost of the conference was thousands of dollars over what was expected. This has instilled a cautious approach for all council members who went through that process.
- Council member: We know that the updating of our materials due to the new logo change will incur some costs.
- Council member: We should have some amount set aside in case we decide to move the hotel venue or if there are other unforeseen cost over-runs.
- Member: We should approach Kellen or AAPOR about what a good amount of reserves should be.
- Council member: It would be nice for us to know what other chapters keep in their reserves.
- Member: Council and other have spoken about recruiting new members. Growth for growth’s sake may not be a wise move for the chapter to take. We appreciate the friendly and welcoming nature a conference of this size allows.
- Member: Organizations benefit from being in MAPOR.
- Member: AAPOR is doing a good job with their “send a speaker” program and this would be a good opportunity for MAPOR members to join.
- Member: We had a great number of students apply for the student paper award competition. Thank you to the fellows who agreed to read papers and give feedback.