MAPOR SPOTLIGHT of the MONTH: The MAPOR spotlight of the month goes out to Benjamin for taking over the website and getting all our updates through for the EC page!
MAPOR Mission Statement
We provide high-quality educational and conference programs to encourage scholarly exchanges across disciplines and geographies, broaden member access to mentors and resources, and bolster opportunities for leadership and innovations. We join forces with AAPOR, academic institutions, and government and industry employers to develop a thriving community that supports all MAPOR members, including students, scholars, and professionals in every stage of their career.
MAPOR Vision Statement
MAPOR is a leading voice in public opinion, survey, and social science scholarship, methods, and practice among regional professional associations. We are an inclusive and supportive community that enables our diverse members to achieve their educational, professional development, and networking goals.
MAPOR Documents & Procedures
- Vision and Mission Statements:
- Bylaws:
- Robert’s Rules of Order:
Attendees: Justine, Kevin, Patrick, Benjamin, Jenny, Curtiss, Erin, Rebecca
- Approval of last meeting’s minutes
The meeting minutes from February were approved.
- AAPOR and MAPOR Code of Conduct–Bylaws Update (Justine)
Justine will send out a formal email about what we are proposing to change. Council will discuss in the April meeting proposed changes.
- 2023 Conference (Patrick)
EC discussed the appropriate number of people to be on the careers panel. 3-5 persons seems like a reasonable amount.
Justine – Could the fall webinar tie into the conference programming?
How can we make MAPOR a place that is useful for people looking for jobs but at the same time be useful for folks who are hiring organizations? How can we make MAPOR the Midwest hub for hiring?
Networking opportunities at the conference – this can tie into messaging for potential new sponsors – That MAPOR is an ideal location for them to spotlight their organizations to early-career and students.
- Secretary / Treasurer’s Report (Lindsey)
Checking as of today: $21,001.20
Savings as of today: $47,213.39
We have 379 members to date with 296 general members and 83 student members. We should get a new list from AAPOR again in the next week or so, but the number of new members usually gets very small at this point.
Both the federal and state taxes are done.
I have reached out to Cvent to see if we will need to purchase additional registrants to move webinar registration and non-conference and non-AAPOR membership into Cvent, and if so the pricing options. Even if we do, I suspect it will still be cheaper than continuing with our current set up of two credit card vendors but will keep everyone updated.
- Communications & Website (Benjamin)
- Newsletter
- Website updates
The website is now updated!
Kevin has access to the MAPOR Google account. Kevin will provide the password information to Benjamin so we have this stored after EC transitions.
Benjamin sent out a schedule for deadlines for upcoming newsletters. He would like drafts of materials to be sent within the next two weeks.
- Survey Subcommittee (Justine)
Justine is reviewing materials and will send a calendar invite out soon for people to take part in making this happen.
- Awards, Grants, and Support Committee (Paul & Curtiss)
Committee continues to modify language for Fellowship program. Trying to get a wider ranging messaging for why people should apply. Draft sent to Justine, we should be able to distribute soon.
Committee is planning to reach out to Fellows to learn who might be interested in participating this year.
- Sponsorship (Kevin)
- Reaching out to new possible sponsors? A section in the newsletter?
No updates at this time.
- Online Learning Committee (Rebecca)
- April/spring webinar
Speakers for the upcoming webinars have been confirmed. Committee is working to get headshots and bios and content ready to get into the upcoming newsletter.
April 14th is the first session. “Web surveys 2.01 – Beyond the Basics.”
Next webinar will conflict with EC meeting. Justine will consider moving the meeting.
- Other business
Rebecca suggested adding the Chair of the Online learning Committee as an elected position. We will discuss this further in thinking about changes to the Bylaws.
Council members
President – Justine Bulgar-Medina
Vice President / President-Elect – Leah Dean
Past President – Kevin Ulrich
Conference Chair – Patrick Hsieh
Associate Conference Chair – Jenny Marlar
Secretary-Treasurer – Lindsey Witt-Swanson
Sponsorship Coordinator –Kevin Ulrich
Student Liaison – Curtiss Engstrom
Communications & Website Chair – Benjamin Schapiro
Members at Large – Erin Heiden, Rebecca Powell, Jerry Timbrook, Paul DiPerna, Shalise Ayromloo
Proposed Committees
Conference Committee – Patrick, Jenny, Shalise
Membership Survey Committee–Justine, Leah, Lindsey, Curtiss, Benjamin
Online Learning Committee – Rebecca Powell (Chair), Erin Heiden, Jerry Timbrook
Awards, Grants, and Support Committee – Paul DiPerna, Curtiss Engstrom
Secretary-Treasurer Support – Lindsey Witt-Swanson, Justine Bulgar-Medina
Communications Support – Benjamin Schapiro, Curtiss Engstrom, Leah Dean