May 14, 2018
1:00 pm – 2:30pm ET/Noon – 1:30 CT
Attendees: Ron, Kevin, Jolene, Josh, Sara, Allison, Ned, Ipek, Colleen, Patrick, Vanessa, Dana
Kevin sent the MAPOR materials to the hotel in Ron’s name. Ron will speak with Adam about having them shipped back.
Jolene has the gift cards and will bring them along.
Jolene printed out the MAPOR at AAPOR highlights and will bring them.
MAPOR will be displayed at the PAPOR happy hour event.
Photos have been posted on the Facebook page in the past. Jolene will make a folder on the Google drive and we can dump all photos there. Photos can also be posted using the hashtag #MAPOR@AAPOR.
II. Conference Update (Ned/Dana)
Soft launch went out on the 1st and the notification went out on the 2nd. Perhaps the week after AAPOR would be a good time to send the next reminder. Deadline to submit is June 30th. Ned will have bookmarks printed to distribute at the conference.
Ipek suggest that we stagger our communications schedule so that different media send notifications on different days. Ipek will work with Ned to determine a staggered schedule.
Ipek has spent some time looking into other management software, at this time we cannot find something that is affordable and easy to use for just abstract management. We will have to wait until after the conference to make a decision about a new software. Current CVENET contract is a 5-year contract – locked in until 2021.
III. Communications Update (Mandy/Vanessa)
Logo – The new designs are in. We will list our top 5 as comments in the pdf and send them back to Vanessa.
Social media calendar is up in the Google drive. Vanessa requests more content sent to that folder. Colleen can put some tweets out from the handle. Vanessa can retweet other tweets sent from the conference. Sara can also send out some tweets from the handle. Use #MAPOR@AAPOR if you tweet at the conference.
June 4th is the deadline for the newsletter. If you are writing for the newsletter, please get it to Mandy before then.
IV. Treasurer’s Report (Jolene)
Checking account – $13,182
Savings account – $45,015
V. Website (Josh)
Website is up. Josh is making sure that material from the old site is now up on the new site. Josh is working to implement other services such as capturing photos to the website.
A place has been created to post minutes. It might be hard to see now because there is only one set.
Currently Josh is the only editor, we should think about having other editors. It would be better if we posted material, rather than having the pdf up as a link. He recommends having people those who are creating the content to post the material to the site. **In thinking about transitioning tasks when we transition staff, this should be added so that we continuously update these permissions.
VI. MAPOR History Group (Mandy)
No update at this time. Ron will contact Paul to learn about what the timeline is.
VII. Sponsorship update (Allison)
Nothing new at this time. Although we will soon want to get on sponsors radars.
VIII. Member benefits (All)
We should think about a date for the face to face meeting. Ron will put together a few dates for the next meeting to talk about nailing down a specific date. Ron will send an email to council members to determine alternative locations for the meeting. We could then move to schedule the mixer at the same time and location.
Webinar – Kristen Olson might be a person to consider. Ron will reach out to her. We should also review the member survey for other ideas. Fred Conrad was also interested when approached by Colleen. She can reach out to him later in June.
Next Meeting: Monday June 11, 1:00 ET/Noon CT