September 20, 2018

1:00 pm – 6:00pm ET/Noon

I. Communications Discussion (Mandy/Vanessa)
Communications plan has been distributed. A primary component is trying to get a synergistic plan to send out communications. There is an understanding that some communications are known in advance – such as communications about the conference – and other messaging is more reactive or impromptu. A challenge for the communications team will be to determine which communications can be sent as they come up whereas other communications should be coordinated so that they have a similar voice and message.
Social Media outreach. Communications team recommends ads via Facebook to increase followers. The cost could be as low as $200 to start. Twitter and Facebook account have been refreshed with the new logo.
MAPOR has a new logo! Feedback has been very positive. Note that there are different styles of the logo – banner, newsletter, logo only – in a folder on the Google drive.
MAPOR values. Communications team recommends putting together a mission or vision statement for the organization. EC suggests getting feedback from members. Could be done at the next business meeting? AAPOR has a “mission and goals” page on their website. Perhaps we can use this as a starting point to draft a vision statement for MAPOR? Ron recommends soliciting feedback from the fellows who have long standing ideas about what values MAPOR has held important over the years.
Set deadline at end of September for having a draft of the next newsletter. We will roll out the official logo in the newsletter. Also make announcement about the next webinar (October 17th). Newsletter isscheduled to be sent about a week before the webinar.
Making the webinar web-enabled. Could be a format so that when people open the announcement, the newsletter is there. There would be a cost involved with this. Newsletter could also be in pdf format. We will put this on the agenda for the next EC meeting. Josh will help inform us with what is doable and present options at the next meeting.
Surveyfest – the week before MAPOR on the UIC campus. Ipek will be speaking about MAPOR during the meeting and asks the communications committee about the types of things that we can push out during this meeting. Can we print out pamphlets for the MAPOR conference?

II. Sponsorship Update (Allison)
Allison asks for contacts with specific organizations who have not yet provided funds. We have currently received about $15,000 from sponsors. Allison is working to establish deadlines for sponsors; deadline for artwork (Oct 1), date registration opens (within next week).

III. Treasurer’s Report (Jolene/Kevin)
$45,016 savings. $18,131 checking.
Registration is very close to being open. Do we want to ask people if we can provide their abstract online or should we just tell them we will do so?
Please send receipts to Jolene about travel for the in-person meeting.
Jolene needs links and info for bios for EC candidates.
Survey will be sent out to members shortly after the conference this year. Kevin will distribute survey to members before the next meeting.

IV. Webinar Update (Patrick)
Josh needs to make sure the registration is set for the webinar.

V. Election (Ron)
We have candidates for the election. Election date is set for 10 days before conference.

VI. Mixer (Josh/Colleen)
Suggestion has been made about having the mixer in Michigan after the conference. Nov 29 or December 5. It could also be set for sometime in February or March to break up the year? Colleen and Josh will meet again and set a firm date in the next few weeks.

VII. Conference (Ned/Dana)
Consent. We have about 14 people who did not give consent to have their abstract posted online. We will not post abstracts this year.
Photos and consent. If we have someone taking photos for the website or Facebook, we will let those persons know to inform their photo subjects that they intend to take photos for the web. We will remove the question from the registration page.
Jolene will verify that persons wish to be added to MAPORnet during the registration process.

****At this point, EC on phone left and those in-person attendees continued conference planning and logistics.

VIII. Other Business?

Conference planning:
Student working group will not be a registration item.
EC worked with Ned to begin grouping papers into sections that grouped well together. Ned will put together the first draft of grouped topics then distribute to conference committee. We will target to have a draft of the program by the end of the month.
Ned will communicate with speakers about re-imbursements.
Jolene will activate the registration after final changes have been made. We will soft launch with EC members registering and reporting any problems they find. If no changes to be made, we will send communications about open registration.

Next Meeting:

Monday October 8, 1:00 ET/Noon CT