November 18, 2019
12:00 – 1:30 CST/1:00 pm – 2: 30pm EST

MAPOR MOMENT of the MONTH: Our MAPOR Moment of the Month recognizes 2018 – 2019 Executive Council members. Thank you all for your hard work! It has been a pleasure serving with you.

Attendees: Ipek, Kevin, Ashley, Mary, Mandy, Josh, Sara, Dana, Justine, Patrick, Ron, Colleen, Allison, Ned.

2019 Conference (Dana)
Registration (238 as of 11/18; most likely will break last year’s record)
Follow-up emails to first time attendees, early career, and students. Colleen will follow-up with students about these events. Ipek and Ned will follow-up with the others.

Add more to continental breakfast? note people who stay at hotel get breakfast. We have a larger group for the short course so may need to increase this to accommodate the increase.

Program addendum: printed or posted? We will print addendums and put them on the registration tables.

Program + signs. Should be delivered within the next day or two.
Set-up logistics and support needs. We used WhatsApp in the past and we will use it again this year. Kevin and Patrick will show with the equipment and MAPOR materials around 3. Kevin will send a WhatsApp text when they arrive so folks can help bring up the materials. Dana and Colleen will do the walk through around 2:30.

Friday lunch counts and event orders. 98 for lunch.

Tables for networking events: review so we are taking the lead at a table. We have assigned a few tables and we will place people where we need them the day of the conference.

Sponsor tables. We have 5 tables confirmed. We will remove the 6th table.
Counting attendees at each session. Can we have moderators report if the conference session was well attended or not attended? This may be a better way to collect this data than trying to make actual head counts. Sara and Dana will develop a form for moderators to capture this info.

Point for next council to consider: early registration from participants to prevent last minute pulling out of the conference! Other organizations handle this in different ways. Dana can look into how this is done as ASA. We put this topic on the agenda for the next meeting with the new council.
Student engagement/events at the conference (Colleen) . Colleen has been in contact with student members about events. The new student liaison can assist Colleen during the conference.

Certificate for the student paper competition winner (Kevin). Kevin will pass this to John or Ipek.

Volunteers and table staffing (Kevin). Kevin has 2 students and 2 staff from his lab to help out. He may need other times for people to fill in briefly while he goes to lunch or goes to the bank to get Stephanie added to our account. Kevin will reach out via WhatsApp for assistance when it is needed.

Awards session (Ipek). Plaque is made, Ipek will bring it to conference. We are set for the keynote and the Awards ceremony.

AAPOR @ MAPOR (Ipek). AAPOR will have a table with registration. Adam Thocher will be at the conference and will be at the booth at some times throughout the conference. The AAPOR chapter and relations chair will be at the conference and will attend the business meeting for a brief presentation.

Member Meeting (Ipek)
Slide deck (Ipek, Ron, Ned, Dana, Kevin, Allison, Colleen)
Final slide section to Ipek by 2:00pm Saturday

Ipek will email the speakers to update their slides for the meeting.

2019 Council Lunch During the Conference (Ipek)
Cantina Laredo (508 N State St, Chicago, IL 60654)
November 23rd (Meet at lobby @ 11:45am)

Please RSVP with Ipek if you have not done so.

Council Contact During the Conference (Ipek/Ned)
Council Contact Document Hyperlink

Please update your name and number of the list. Ned will set up the WhatsApp group for this year. Expect an invite soon.

Communications (Justine)
Social media postings and pictures during the conference
Volunteers to assist
AAPOR 75th anniversary digital message request

We want to make sure we have an official presence on social media during the conference. Justine will be posting but needs assistance for others. Colleen and Mary will tweet out where they take part in the conference. Justine will meet with them to share access to the MAPOR Twitter account.

Sponsorship (Allison/Ron)

We are waiting for payments from 4 groups although they have all confirmed their sponsorship. Allison will follow-up with 1 more group.

MAPOR 2019 Election Updates (Ipek/Kevin)

Congratulations to our new council members!

Treasurer’s Report (Kevin)
Member Survey

Checking: $55,149.33
Savings: $45,022.09

Current hotel cost estimates are lower than anticipated. Current estimates of year-end budget indicate a surplus of ~$4,000. This is primarily driven by increases in overall conference registration numbers, however unanticipated increases in the short course attendance and increased revenue from webinars also contributed to this surplus. Other expenses were lower: printing costs were lower, we only named one student paper award winner, and council meeting costs were less than anticipated.

Historically the member survey has gone out in December or January. However, last year the member survey went out shortly after the conference. Kevin was the lead on this as the Associate Secretary / Treasurer. Without an associate, I have not had the time to push this forward and take input from council on the survey. Kevin recommended putting the survey on the agenda for the next EC. Ron suggested that we get at-large members to assist with the survey in the future.

2019-2020 Council Transition (Ipek/Ned)
Meeting schedule
Updating Google Groups

Other Business?

The IT restrictions for RTI laptops have increased since last year. Patrick will have individual log-ins for each computer and will set these up on Thursday.

Sara can help with the recording of the pedagogy hours.

AAPOR anniversary messages. AAPOR has identified a platform by which members can identify as MAPOR members and provide anniversary messages or express gratitude for AAPOR. We will make a video during the MAPOR lunch.

Next Meeting: Member meeting Saturday, November 23 at 4:30 pm