October 8, 2018
1:00 pm – 2:30pm ET/Noon – 1:30 CT
Attendees: Ipek, Matt, Ned, Ron, Kevin, Josh, Sara, Jolene, Colleen, Vanessa
I. Communications update (Mandy/Vanessa)
Communications team will create a draft mission statement for MAPOR.
Vanessa will implement the changes EC suggested for the newsletter. Vanessa will add the logo to the top of the newsletter. The newsletter will go out this week. Mandy and Ron will provide a final approval of the latest changes.
II. Treasurer’s Report (Jolene/Kevin)
Checking: $22,998.79
Savings: $45,017.27
We now have 21 persons registered for the webinar.
We now have 57 persons registered for the conference – slightly above where we were at from last year.
Jolene recommends placing a small note about Cvent being down on our website. Jolene will email Josh about the down-time.Kevin recommends shortening the conference/member survey. The survey was distributed to members last week. Please review and make suggestions to cuts or edits to Kevin by October 29th. This will provide enough time for us to make revisions before the launch immediately after the conference on November 19th.
III. Webinar Update – web-enabled? (Patrick) No update at this time.
IV. Sponsorship Update (Allison)
New sponsors would need to get to us by the 15th of October in order to make it into the conference program.
V. Election (Ron)
We have candidates. They are in the newsletter and Josh will soon get them up on the website.
Voting will take place October 26th through November 5th. Ron will draft the messaging for the invitation to vote and send to Jolene to distribute.
VI. Mixer (Josh/Colleen)
Is anyone aware of other major conferences in spring that we do not want to overlap? If so, please send these to Colleen.
VII. Conference (Ned/Dana)
Preliminary program has launched!
We need people to start booking rooms. Starting now, we will begin to request a booked room update from the hotel so we know where we stand with our block.
Matt and Ipek suggest asking the hotel to scan their bookings for that weekend so that we get credit for people who booked directly from the hotel site. Jeff Rodriguez (Ranka’s fill in person) has been very responsive so far.
Making final plans to secure discussants now.
Ron will be in communication with Allison about giving sponsors the appropriate credit for conference events.
Kevin and Ned will be in contact about scheduling the delivery of the MAPOR equipment – overheads, printer, signage, etc.
Student engagement: We will continue the Saturday lunch. We will also put together a happy hour for the Thursday before the conference. We will have student tables as well during the lunch.
Kevin will follow up with Jolene about getting a student ribbon for name badges.
Colleen would like to include early-career folks to the “student” events.
Next Meeting: Monday November 12, 1:00 ET/Noon CT