October19th, 2020
12:30 – 2:00 CST/1:30 pm – 3:00 pm EST
Zoom invite
MAPOR MOMENT of the MONTH: Our MAPOR Moment of the Month recognizes Sara and the conference committee for their diligent work as we draw near to the annual conference. In addition, I’d like to recognize Patrick and Lindsey in putting together such great webinars.
Attendees: Ned, Lindsey, Patrick, Stephanie, Kevin, Ipek, Mary, Evgenia, Justine, Sara, Allison, Dana, Leah
- Approve September minutes (Ned)
Minutes approved
- President’s Update (Ned)
- Statement on inclusion and diversity- endorse AAPOR,,-Equity,-and-Inclusio.aspx
- Election launching later this month
- New fellow
- Plan for conference script, business meeting
Note that AAPOR members, as part of endorsement of AAPOR bylaws, are required to agree to the AAPOR DEI statement. Decision made to endorse official statement for MAPOR.
Election will open October 30. New election survey is ready to go. Kevin raised issue of potential conflict of interest given he is on the candidate slate. Ipek shared her similar situation in the past, and recused herself. So, Kevin and Stephanie will work toward Stephanie being the “outward facing” Exec Council member managing the election.
Ned asked for assistance with the “script” for the Conference (esp. Keynote, but also other “transitions”)
- 2020 Conference (Sara/David)
- Program
- Latest update on remote conversion and software
- Plan for MAPOR days
- Student Paper Competition Award Updates
- Sponsorship benefits
- Moderator role; Networking lunch; Book raffle
- Speed networking
- Fellowship program
- Outreach to specific institutions
Newsletter content delivered to Justine. Program is formatted and draft format is ready to go. Thank you Kevin for programming Cvent registration, which should open soon, after a round of internal testing. Once registration is opened and the full program is finished, Sara will coordinate with Cadmium to establish login credentials for both presenters (to access platform and upload slides) and attendees (output list from Cvent). For all live events (short course, keynote, pedagogy, business meeting), we will use the Zoom platform, not pre-loaded into Cadmium. Evgenia offered to look into purchasing a Zoom subscription for MAPOR. Dana will start working on updating the 2020 Conference page on the MAPOR website, where the Cvent registration link will be added, and also the link to the draft program.
Student papers have been sent to Tom. Reviewers will give feedback by early next week.
Speed networking: Ned will draft email to sponsors to see who is interested in being a “networker”. Once get responses to that, will organize one session and communicate to registrants.
Student Fellowship program: Evgenia has 8 Fellows who have agreed to participate, and several more “maybe’s”. Next step is to figure out how we will announce/frame the program. For example, student is responsible for providing data for analysis. We should give guidelines for abstract format/length. Evgenia will draft text to announce at 2020 conference, then we will expect Fellows to present at 2021 conference.
Conference production: should live production happen on-site at NORC? Sara is still considering, knows request will need to go to D. Gaylin.
- Treasurer’s Report (Kevin)
- Budget Updates
Checking: $32,603
Savings: $49,966
Set deadline for Business Meeting slides by Friday (11/20) afternoon.
- Communications (Justine)
- Newsletter
- Social media leading up to conference
- Social media at conference
Justine will circulate draft of October newsletter later today, send comments back to her by Wednesday. Also will put out both Twitter and Facebook posts regarding conference. Hope to have new communications 1-2x per week leading up to conference.
We should wait until everything is working/linked on MAPOR website before sending newsletter.
During conference, idea to engage students/early career volunteers in tweeting(?). Sara will share contact info for some participants who indicated an excitement/interest in participating.
- Sponsorship (Allison/Mary)
$7250 in sponsorship funding in hand. Not bad, given the year.
When will free registration code that goes to upper-level sponsors be available (Kevin has the codes and will send to Allison and Mary)? Other than artwork, is there anything needed from sponsors for program?
- Webinars (Patrick/Lindsay)
- 10/21 webinar by Ana Gonzalez-Barrera
We have 24 registrants so far for Wednesday’s webinar.
- Summer/Fall 2020 Mixer (Evgenia/Lindsay)
- Should we try a Zoom happy hour prior to conference?
Evgenia would like to hold a happy hour session just with students on Thursday (11/19) evening. Some Council members will plan to attend.
- Website (Patrick)
Dana and Sara will adapt conference-related pages.
- Other business?
Ned should let AAPOR conference chairs (Kristen and Darby) know who won MAPOR student paper award
Next Meeting: November 16th 2020
Committee Composition:
- Conference (Sara, Dana, David, Leah)
- Sponsorship (Allison, Mary)
- Webinar (Patrick, Lindsay)
- Website (Patrick)
- Student Award (Ipek, Ned, Kevin, Dana, Evgenia)