November 16th, 2020

12:30 – 2:00 CST/1:30 pm – 3:00 pm EST

Zoom invite

MAPOR MOMENT of the MONTH:  Our MAPOR Moment of the Month recognizes the 2019-2020 Executive Council members.  Thank you for all your hard work during a trying year- it has been my pleasure serving with you.


  1. Approve September minutes          (Ned)

Ned moves to approve minutes.

Kevin seconds. 

The motion is passed and the minutes are approved. 

  1. President’s Update     (Ned)
    1. Election results
    2. Script, business meeting and slide deck (needs to be done by Saturday morning)- will circulate template later Monday

Ned will circulate template for business meeting slides. After they are completed, send them back to Ned to aggregate. He will move the slides forward during the meeting. 

  1. 2020 Conference                          (Sara/David)
  1. Registration 
  2. Contact during conference
  3. What dress-rehearsal do we need?
  4. Follow-up emails to first time attendees, early career, and students
  5. Set-up logistics and support needs. More Info about it is available in this link.
  6. Sponsor benefits
  7. Student engagement/events at the conference (Evgenia)
    1. Student fellowship program
  8. Certificate for the student paper competition winner (Kevin)
  9. Awards session (Ned)
  10. Speed networking
  11. In-memorium
    1. Mansour attending to speak for Ashley
  12. Chair assignments
  13. AAPOR @ MAPOR (Ipek)
  • Mary needs one more person to chair a session. Ned will lead a session if need be. 
  • Program is being put together by NORC group. They will hold a space open for the last sponsors who have not updated their ads or logos. 
  • Patrick is working to get the website properly updated with sponsor logos.
  • Slack is set-up. Please download if you have not already. We will use the #general channel for all communications. 
  • There are 138 registrants as of this morning – 48 are students. 
  • Ipek will present AAPOR slides before keynote. Aim to keep talk to about 5 minutes. 
  • Evgenia will announce the Student Fellowship Program. Those who are accepted into the program will receive some type of travel stipend to attend the conference. We can determine the amount at a later date. Ten fellows have agreed to take part. We will match students with appropriate fellows based on content and interest. 
  • Ned will connect award winners with Kevin so he can send the certificates and the award stipends – $500. 
  • Justine will head the speed networking group. Kevin will add her as the moderator of that session. 
  • Practice sessions have been set up for the meetings and webinars on Zoom. The host of those meetings should practice to be ready for the main events. 
  • Sara asks council members to attend some of the coffee sessions. It would be nice to spread out some EC on these events to get that “MAPOR-feeling”. 
  1. Treasurer’s Report                           (Kevin)
    1. Budget Updates

Checking: $38,351.33

Savings: $46,966.56

Current projections have the conference costing us $8,000. 

MAPOR is now the proud owner of a 5’ x 4’ storage unit in Andersonville. All of the conference materials are there. If there are other things we would like to add such as the MAPOR archives (now in NORC) Kevin can get them to the storage unit. 

  1. Communications                     (Justine)
    1. Social media at conference

Hosts of meetings should try to post and ask other to post in sessions. 


  1. Sponsorship       (Allison/Mary)

Mary will present at the business meeting. 

  1. 2020-2021 Council Transition       (Ned/Dana)    
    1. Meeting Schedule
    2. Updating Google Groups

Dana will send out the new business meeting time. We will probably use the same time unless we hear that a new member is unable to attend at that time. 

  1. Other business?            

Next Meeting: Member meeting, Saturday November 21st 

Committee Composition: 

  1. Conference (Sara, Dana, David, Leah)
  2. Sponsorship (Allison, Mary)
  3. Webinar (Patrick, Lindsay)
  4. Website (Patrick)
  5. Student Award (Ipek, Ned, Kevin, Dana, Evgenia)