February 15, 2021
12:30 – 2:00 CST/1:30 pm – 3:00pm EST
Zoom invite
MAPOR MOMENT of the MONTH: Our MAPOR Moment of the Month goes to Lindsey, who helped with getting the survey drafted and scheduling the April webinar! Thank you Lindsey!
Attendees: Patrick, Dana, Kevin, David, Stephanie, Leah, Evgenia, Sara, John, Hillary, Lindsey, Ned
- 2021 Conference (David/Leah)
- Updates
David met with hotel to discuss A/V options. Looks like a hybrid format wouldn’t require a software like Cadmium, we would instead have a Zoom link for each conference room (with computer and camera). We could pre-record the presentations through Zoom, and have facilitators for each link. The A/V vendor would provide several on-site support staff for troubleshooting. Still a question on whether we rent or buy computers for presentations. David will work with vendor to get more detailed costs.
- Approval of last meeting’s minutes
Minutes approved from January meeting
- Member Survey (Stephanie, Lindsey, Hillary)
- Feedback on draft
- Next steps
Discussed feedback given on survey. Will incorporate! Plan to send survey by end of February.
- Treasurer’s Report (Stephanie)
- Updates
Checking: $28,665 (includes ~$8000 final Cadmium payment)
Savings: $46,968
- Communications (Justine)
- Updates
Justine needs text from both Dana and Stephanie. We will send those by end of this week, then newsletter can go out before the survey.
- Website (Patrick/Dana/Hillary)
- Updates
No update
- Webinars (Patrick/Lindsey)
- April Webinar update
- [2021 webinars in April and October]
Topic of our spring webinar will be how qualitative research has moved to virtual environment. Presenters are Andrew Stavisky (U.S. GAO) and Isaac Rogers (20/20 Research). April 21, 12:00p central. Materials are ready to go – advertising and registration will begin soon.
- Sponsorship (John, Bob, Dana)
- Sponsorship plan
New sponsorship coordinator position is going to be filled by past president. This year, John, Bob, and Dana will build this out, then next year Dana will fill the role. John will be mindful this year of documenting all his steps/documents/templates/calendars/etc., and will be available to support Dana next year. The past president/coordinator can also pull in other resources strategically. Agreement from Council that this is a good plan.
- Student Fellowship Program (Ned, Kevin, Dana, Evgenia)
- Updates
We have 1 submission so far. Original deadline was 2/14/21 – should we extend? Yes, Evgenia will send notice to AAPOR and MAPOR to announce extension to 3/1/21. Council members in university environment can re-post internally to try to generate more interest.
Motion proposed and passed: after the original deadline passed, and only one student submitted an application, Council agreed that Evgenia could submit an application.
- Student/Early career programs (Ned, Kevin, Dana, Stephanie, Evgenia, Leah)
- Draft student and colleague support award applications, to be released around the time of the MAPOR call for abstracts
- Updates from our meeting
- [ideas of spending operational reserves on expanding reach to students and early career folks (reduce costs for short course, webinar, registration; conference travel awards)]
Committee met to discuss spending plan. Student support award and Colleague support award announced around the call for abstracts. Some other ideas include free or reduced registration, some travel awards, etc. Dana distributed a proposal for Student Support and Colleague Support awards, loosely modeled after Roper Support Award at AAPOR. We reviewed Dana’s draft proposal. Decision to keep open option to cover more than just conference registration – maybe state upper limit of $500 “depending on needs of MAPOR community”. Note to be mindful of amount of effort required to apply (and to evaluate applications). Dana will update proposal and send around for review.
- Outreach committee (Evgenia, Lindsey, Kevin, Bob, David)
- Updates
- [Ideas for this committee to discuss:
- Mixers (virtual mixer in Feb or March)
- First time attendee retention
- reach out to professors: this is what we can offer to your students
- Focus on outreach to departments, schools and organizations we don’t see at MAPOR]
Evgenia will draft email to professors, stating benefits for both faculty and students to be MAPOR members;
Discussed planning a virtual happy hour, maybe include a raffle prize of a book for students;
Kevin will cross-check AAPOR list for non-MAPOR members who live in MAPOR area, and will target them;
We will review data from survey on interest in virtual mixers.
- Other committees that will have work at a later date:
- Colleague grants/tiered registration (Ned, Kevin, Dana, Stephanie)
- MAPOR Fellow nomination criteria (Ned, Dana, Kevin)
- Speed Networking (Ned, Justine)
- MAPOR conference attendee Code of Conduct (TBD)
- Other business?
No other business discussed
Committee Composition
- Conference (Sara, Ned, Dana, David, Leah)
- Sponsorship (John and Bob)
- Webinar (Patrick, Lindsey)
- Website (Patrick, Hillary, Dana)
- Communications (Justine)
- Sec-treas support (Stephanie, Lindsey, Hillary)
- Student Fellowship Program (Ned, Kevin, Dana, Evgenia)
- Student/Early career programs (Ned, Kevin, Dana, Stephanie, Evgenia, Leah)
- Colleague grants/tiered registration (Ned, Kevin, Dana, Stephanie)
- Outreach committee (Evgenia, Lindsey, Kevin, Bob, David)
- MAPOR Fellow nomination criteria (Ned, Dana, Kevin)
- Speed Networking (Ned, Justine)
- MAPOR conference attendee Code of Conduct (TBD)
Council members
President – Dana Garbarski
Vice President – Kevin Ulrich
Past President – Ned English
Conference Chair – David Sterrett
Associate Conference Chair – Leah Dean
Secretary-Treasurer – Stephanie Chardoul
Associate Secretary-Treasurer – Vacant
Members at Large – Bob Davis, Hillary Hanson, Ed Ledek, Sara Walsh, Lindsey Witt-Swanson
Sponsorship Coordinator – John Stevenson
Webinar and Website Coordinator – Patrick Hsieh
Communications Chair – Justine Bulgar-Medina
Student Liaison- Evgenia Kapousouz